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Comment Re: One small step... [Re:How do you...] (Score 1) 299

The reason to worry about methane from cows is because that carbon started as CO2 and was converted to methane, a more potent green house gas. Methane is short lived in atmosphere, but the issue is more nuanced than just saying the cows are releasing carbon not sequestered in petroleum. Also need to consider petro based fertilizers used on the cows feed

Comment Re:Quick fix for the POS POS machines ... (Score 2) 250

Needs to be a little more complex. Any easy way around your measure would be to have a compromised jump box somewhere else on Target's network. POS machines send data to jump box, jump box uploads it to internet. Access to the POS VLAN needs to be tightly controlled- but then you need to pull logs of some of them, put patches and updates on them, authenticate users, after a while your VLAN has lots of holes in it.

Comment The Driver (Score 1) 937

I don't see why the model should change. The driver of the car would be liable for any accidents caused by their car. This will probably be covered by the driver's insurance. The insurance companies will only insure self driving cars that they consider safe. Insurance companies my even offer cheaper rates to cars with a better track record of self driving.

Comment Re:News? (Score 1) 307

Last time I had jury duty it was for a bar fight. There was no physical evidence a fight had even occurred. It felt like a massive waste of time and made me feel foolish for taking it seriously. Not sure how often worthless cases make it to trial but it kind of changed my opinion of the whole thing.

Comment Taxes (Score 1) 651

My largest single expense is taxes. Income tax (state & federal), sales tax, property tax, capital gains tax, taxes on my cell phone service, taxes for my gasoline, meals tax at restaurants. Then there is the SS, FICA, medicaid stuff. I sure am buying a lot of civilization

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