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LG Exec Indicted Over Broken Samsung Washing Machine 132

itwbennett writes Jo Seong-jin, the head of LG's home appliance division, was indicted Sunday by prosecutors in Seoul for allegedly damaging Samsung Electronics' washing machines before the IFA electronics show in Berlin last September. The company says it was his regular practice to test the rival company's machines, something he has done while working for LG for the past 38 years, and has released closed-circuit television footage in his defense showing him testing Samsung products including washing machines, dish washers and refrigerators. Jo and two other employees are charged with vandalism, defamation and obstruction of business.

High School Students Develop Linux Imaging and Help Desk Software 116

An anonymous reader writes "A Pennsylvania school district is going Linux and building an open source high school with the help of student technology apprentices. As part of a 1:1 laptop learning program, 1725 high school students at Penn Manor School District are receiving new laptops running Ubuntu and open source software exclusively. Central to the program is a student help desk where student programmers created a Linux multicast imaging system titled Fast Linux Deployment Toolkit. The district posted pictures of the imaging process in action. Working alongside school IT staff, students also developed help desk software and other programs in support of the 1:1 student laptop program. The student tech apprentices also provide peer support for fellow students."

Submission + - Microsoft Buys Nokia's Phone Business ( 1

Frosty Piss writes: Microsoft is buying practically all of Nokia’s handset business as part of a $7.2 billion deal, the two companies announced today. Microsoft is paying for Nokia’s Devices and Services Business. In addition, it is paying to license Nokia’s patents and to license and use Nokia’s mapping services. Microsoft using its overseas cash reserves to fund the transaction, which is expected to close in the first quarter of 2014, subject to approval by Nokia’s shareholders and regulatory approval, according to a news release.

Submission + - AT&T denies Yellow Pages listing for computers (

computersWTF writes: "computersWTF has been the name of my company (a Hollywood-based computer repair and IT services provider) for years. Recently I contacted AT&T about being listed under the "Computer Repair" category in their Los Angeles (and Hollywood) Yellow Pages phone books. They wrote back saying as per company policy I'd have to censor my name — my listing could appear as "ComputersWTF (Why The Fuss)" or not at all. No option to leave it up to my clients to decide what the WTF stands for.

I wrote back asking why they feel it's appropriate policy to have an "Escorts" section, but a ubiquitous, vague, three letter acronym was over the line. No reply as of yet, but I will keep this updated on the blog."


Submission + - Songbird Drops Linux Support ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: The Songbird developers have announced that they will no longer support Songbird in Linux. This is really a socking announcement as Songbird has its root in open source. Songbird will however continue to be available for Windows and Mac.

Submission + - Can Ubuntu reach over 16,000 anime lovers in April (

shadowmage13 writes: "After months of planning, i am happy to finally announce that the Ubuntu Massachusetts Local Community Team will be preparing a booth at the upcoming 2010 Anime Boston convention. We need support from the community to secure a booth and print materials including copies of the Ubunchu! manga. I really believe the Anime fandom is a perfect match for Ubuntu, and they are by nature very much in line with open source and remix culture."

Submission + - Finding Linux easier to use than Windows? 2

h c over lambda writes: Finally having gotten around to building a computer with gaming in mind, I've sort of had to change over to using Windows (Windows 7 to be precise, but on other computers I use other versions regularly and encounter the same issue). This is the first time I've had to use a Windows OS 'heavily' in a long time — sure, I've used them in passing but for nothing more than typing up some documents or browsing the Internet — and coming from Linux I actually find Windows extremely awkward to use.

Most people seem to have the exact opposite experience to me, finding Linux to be fiddly and generally annoying, but I like the way in which it is possible to quickly alter how the system works and customise it (almost) indefinitely. By comparison, Windows feels clunky and slow. Not slow as in operating speed, since for me Windows 7 runs just as quickly as the vast majority of Linux distros I've used, but slow in the sense that it takes forever to customise the system and generally get things done. Perhaps the biggest example of this for me is the Windows analogue of the Linux home folder; where the Linux home folder is easily modified to suit you, the Windows equivalent slaps permissions on folders that are tedious to bypass and particularly difficult to remove. It doesn't help that recent games have, for some reason, taking to using the 'My Documents' folder to store saved games and the like and if there's a way to change that I'd do it in a heartbeat. I like to have documents for work and the like in there; I'm perfectly happy looking through the game's folder in Program Files if I want to back up a save, install a mod, or so on.

I'm just curious to see if anyone else has encountered this kind of predicament using Windows after an extended spell on Linux, or it's just me thinking unusually.

(As an aside, I'm tempted to try running Windows 7 as a virtual machine on a Linux distro but I'm not too confident that games — the main thing I built this particular computer for in the first place — would run too well on such a virtual machine and with my download speed temporarily throttled to 128 kb/s after I accidentally exceeded my monthly download cap I'm hesitant to find out, though I am changing to an ISP with unlimited downloads on November 6th.)

Comment Re:It would be nice if... (Score 2, Insightful) 183

Doc Searls (editor of Linux Journal) is working on such a donation system as part of his "Vendor Relationship Management" or VRM project at the Berkman Center at Harvard. The idea is to be able to make small voluntary donations to the software author, or more generally the creator of any piece of work. The goal is make this easy -- simple click of a button that says "donate $5" and put you in control of how much of your personal information (name, credit card details etc.) you want the recipient to know.

Submission + - Should sites like Wikipedia be blocked at schools?

Londovir writes: Recently our school board made the decision to block Wikipedia from our school district's WAN system. This was a complete block — there aren't even provisions in place for teachers or administrators to input a password to bypass the restriction. The reason given was that Wikipedia (being user created and edited) did not represent a credible or reliable source of reference for schools. My question is: should we block sites such as Wikipedia because students may be exposed to misinformation, or should we encourage sites such as Wikipedia as an outlet for students to investigate and determine validity of information? What's your opinion?

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