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Comment Re:timex sinclair zx-81 (Score 1) 523

Same. Exactly.
Used tape cassettes for storage. I liked to play them on our HiFi and annoy my mom.

Then we got an SX-64, which was considered "portable". A few years later we got a 300 baud modem, and I think a 14 inch CRT, and later a KXP-1124 dot matrix printer, and this was back when teachers wouldn't accept book reports that were typed on computers. It had to be from a type writer, just to be fair.

Quantum Link
Epyx Joysticks...

The good old days :)

Comment Re:Great (Score 5, Interesting) 29

Where I used to work, we specialized in converting hospitals from Cerner to www.epic.com. Both systems, however, are massively complicated and use outdated technology. Healthcare Systems in general are an absolute mess, and converting systems takes years to implement.

I'm glad I'm out of that business. Health care records are a mess because implementations are so specific, and with all the hospital acquisitions and mergers, it only gets worse.

Comment Re:Slackware ... (Score 1) 49

Go easy on us aging computer nerds. Once you surpass age 40, 5 years is an acceptable margin of error. >50 yields +/-10 years.

Did I ever tell you about the old 286 I had to program with punch cards? I had to walk uphill (both ways) barefoot on greased linoleum to compile my programs. I still run a BBS on a C=128. 64M of RAM? Try 64K! Get off my lawn you rascals!

Comment Pass the cost on (Score 2) 208

It's OK, Apple will pass the cost on to the consumer (including the legal fees to defend), just like the car companies markup and pass on the cost for all the safety features they are forced by law to install.

Seriously though, this is freaking frivolous. I will not feel vindicated if Apple loses this, just more affirmed that if I start a company that makes a widget, it will end with more lawyers than widget makers before I sell it.

Comment Re:Good question (Score 1) 2416

It will also make your premium go up. Probably higher than the federal plan. So you will drop your insurance and go with the cheaper one. All the while, private practices and private emergency care facilities will slowly crumble under the price negotiations of the government plan and hospitals will be bombarded with extra patients.

Health care might be more affordable, but quality and timely health care will be more scarce.

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