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Submission + - What is a reasonable level of drm?

An anonymous reader writes: I'm an indie developer about to release a small ($5 — $10 range) utility for graphic designers. I'd like to employ at least a basic deterrent to pirates, but with the recent SimCity disaster, I'm wondering: what is a reasonable level of drm? A simple serial number? Online activation? Encrypted binaries? Please share your thoughts.

Comment Re:The cynic in me... (Score 1) 339

It isn't that far fetched. There are common accounts of pilots seeing weather balloons (typically 2-3ft dia) at 37000ft, while flying 400mph+... Another perspective is that 200 mph is only about 3 times faster than your usual freeway speed. Think about how easy it would be to spot a 3ft quadcopter flying in a field 200ft from the side of a freeway.

Comment Don't bother... (Score 2) 338

... unless the material can be proven libelous (and even then it will be a long, ugly battle). If people like Rick Santorum can't make the site go away, you're not likely going to make yours go away. Your best shot will be to get a positive site ranked higher using various SEO tactics.

Comment Re:Not really (Score 1) 540

... it is very unlikely they will ever be usable as a replacement for normal computers. It would just be silly when it is much, much easier to make a much, much faster electronic computer.

Someday that will sound very much like the oft-repeated (and wrongly attributed) "640k ought to be enough for anyone!"

Submission + - Anabolic Cooking (

An anonymous reader writes: best food improve the health

Comment Build your own - not at someone's house though. (Score 3, Insightful) 349

1) Lease a box at a site with reliable, low-cost bandwidth (Somewhere like PhoenixNAP, AtlantaNAP, Rackspace, etc.) - This should run you between $50 - $150/mo for a decent system with several terabytes/mo data transfer (More than enough for Hulu, Netflix, etc.). 2) Make some friends in the Navy IT dept. - Have them help you set up a hosted VPN service on the box in their off time. This will be the lowest cost, most secure, and most reliable service you can get.

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