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Comment It's good news for all in Australia (Score 1) 177

I visited /. 1st time in years, because I need to exit FB for news. Many sites will benefit from this ban.

'News' on FB was crap. It was all outrage, tabloid, rag. Rehashes from sites like reddit. Clickbait. Full of uneducated comments and trolls. Now I can visit a news site and read stuff they'd actually print.

Saddest thing is idiot politicians screaming censorship and death to democracy. From both left & right sides. You told FB not to link to news w/o paying, so they made sure to do just that.

I think it's funny how clueless pollies are regarding any tech.

Comment Re:Rolling roadblocks (Score 1) 475

In Australia, about 80% of people on the roads drive 10-20km/h UNDER the speed limit. They also block all the lanes and leave huge gaps in front at traffic lights - gaps where I could drive another small car into.
Police don't do anything about blockers, one even drove 10min right behind a car going 30km/h in a 60km/h one lane street. Then he put on his sirens. I thought he was going to do something, but as soon as the car pulled over he just drove on!

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