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Comment Re:most widely deployed? (Score 1) 138

Apache httpd 2.4 has dynamic health checks: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/howto/reverse_proxy.html

So it has load balancing, down detection, as well as dynamic reconfiguration. Plus, is just as performant as nginx is. Most of the FUD around the "nginx vs apache" arguments are based on old data, long since no longer relevant.

Comment Opposition is from a small elite (Score 1) 550

From where I sit, the opposition is from people who don't like, approve or trust how systemd is incorporating more and more into itself. It smacks some people of bad design, bloated design and insecure design. Plus, it's the kind of behavior most often seen and witnessed by the historical enemies of Linux; it's the method of feature creep that reminds people of Microsoft and others, designed to make it difficult, if not impossible, to use anything else... ("lock-in" by another name). I'm sure that much of the "small elite" in opposition are opposed because Linux was supposed to be the revolution that got us *away* from that sort of monolithic control that they see systemd as.

As for me? meh.

Submission + - Subversion project migrates to Git (apache.org)

gitficionado writes: The Apache Subversion project has begun migrating its source code from the ASF Subversion repo to git. Last week, the Subversion PMC (project management committee) voted to to migrate, and the migration has already begun.

Although there was strong opposition to the move from the older and more conservative SVN devs, and reportedly a lot of grumbling and ranting when the vote was tallied, a member of the PMC (who asked to remain anonymous) told the author that "this [migration] will finally let us get rid of the current broken design to a decentralized source control model [and we'll get] merge and rename done right after all this time."

Comment Drive by patches (Score 1) 279

Linus gets it wrong again: The ASF does NOT require CLAs for "drive-by" patches. It only requires them for official contributors or committers, not for people providing patches on email lists, via JIRA, etc... Only when people have obtained the merit to directly change the official code is an iCLA required. As it *should be* for IP tracking. Double shame!

Comment Re: Apache Harmony is dead, but GNU lives? (Score 2) 98

Why? A couple of reasons. First of all, it was the basis for Apache entering into the EC and the JCP. Our involvement was predicted on the ability to obtain TCKs for Apache projects. Secondly, the ASF was promised it, but then denied the TCK (actually, an *open source compatible* TCK), and that's simply Not Right. Finally, the goal of creating s/w is that it be used, and the lack of certification significantly hampers that, as well as opens the project to submarine patents. Think Oracle is going to sue itself?

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