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Comment Re:ISA (Score 1) 42

Yeah, I never had a problem with IRQ/DMA fuckery having a pretty loaded up (for the time) machine; Awe32 with Waveblaster daughterboard, ATI Rage 64 card, etc etc.

The main challenges back then were dealing with your low memory; figuring out the exact right order to load mscdex, memory manager, mouse driver and every thing else to squeeze out every bit of conventional memory, and using loadhigh to squeeze what you could into UMA, because that 1 kb difference could mean Wing Commander 2 didn't play the speech packs.

Comment Re: Shame they didn’t cover NOx, SOx, etc as (Score 1) 164

No, my point is explicitly that, gas car or BEV, if I'm driving from St. Catharines to North Bay, I'm stopping an on route just south of Barrie to eat. With a gas car, I'm fueling up, then eating. With a BEV, I'm plugging in, then eating.

The fact that *you* wouldn't do it the way *I* do it doesn't negate the fact that for my process, which includes a half-hour break *either way,* it's more efficient to charge while taking that break than it is to fuel up, then take that break.

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