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Comment student showed me the data I thought she ... (Score 0) 55

"When my student showed me the data I thought she must be wrong," Kenneth Burch

His female student made a groundbreaking physics discovery. Clearly this man is going to win a Nobel Prize. That is, afterall, how it works. Female students make discovery, professor gets Nobel Prize. Congrats.

Comment Re:Circular reasoning. (Score 1) 147

Yeah, if it wasn't then it's a shitty forgery but the fact that it's not a forgery and yet somehow manages to have all the magical properties required to explain away the skeptics, it must have real magic indeed. Magic exactly like the real Jesus would bestow on it, checkmate, atheists!

Comment Re:It was made in the 14th century (Score 2) 147

You missed a couple.

The art is Gothic and dates to around 1100 - 1500 and was likely done as a bas relief of another piece. The person on the image is white and european, the exact thing white Europeans would have as their Jesus. The image has a different height from the back as from the front.

Comment Re:I've read the PNG Spec; it's great. (Score 1) 103

You'd be wrong. It's so extensible that all you'd need to do is add another block type for mPeG that would contain the mpeg data and you're fine. You could easily use a png to store that type of data. This is the kind of joke that only somebody who didn't read the spec would make. It's totally within spec to make different block types that contain other data.

Comment I've read the PNG Spec; it's great. (Score 2) 103

Now let me start saying jpeg is a giant pile of crap that couldn't be fully implemented by anybody but PNG is actually great. It's simple, highly extensible, lets you ignore stuff, has different bit structures, outsources the compression and is perfectly easy to understand. There is literally nothing in this format that isn't already part of PNG. And even putting JPEG and PNG in the same realm is in error, PNG is superior in literally every way. But, saying this Qoi format is as good is both wrong and seriously problematic. You can quite literally write a PNG writer in like 7 lines of code.

        return b"".join(
                        png_pack(b"IHDR", struct.pack("!2I5B", width, height, 8, 6, 0, 0, 0)),
                        png_pack(b"IDAT", zlib.compress(raw_data, 9)),
                        png_pack(b"IEND", b""),

Also, the biggest deficit here is that it's focusing on the original code writer for the library not for the user of that library. I don't care what's in the magic stuff Pillow does to process .save("myfile.png") -- I care that it's not lossy, I care that you could extend it to include other things not originally given in the spec, but somebody is going to write that code 1 time, and people are going to use the features in that code a million times. --- Making the former improved at the cost of the latter is a serious problem. We would be much better off if we could focus our efforts and killing non-png type formats.

Comment Re:Government to the rescue! (Score 1) 43

The law is pretty clear, there's a lot of legal restrictions with kids and they suck for ad revenue so you basically everybody just prevents kids from participating because it's the cheaper and better option for them.

I think it's kinda admirable to try to give them a platform at all, it's also a money pit and a waste of time.

Comment Re:It's because how the Postal Office works (Score 1, Interesting) 104

The point is the USPS is still ruled by a Trump political appointee who will be happy to do a bunch of shitty bits of nonsense and tear apart the post office, if for no other reason than he'll make money if it goes out of business. So Post Office is doing a weird thing trying to track down liberals on Facebook, needs to likely be viewed under that lens. I'm not saying there aren't reasons for not yet kicking that guy to the curb, just that when stories like this make you think there's a weird cancer in the post office, know that you might have a point.

Comment Re:Baked in O/S release versions are the problem (Score 1) 130

It's easy. But, not trivial. I do it a lot having written a couple different libraries that way. It's annoying being both prevented from using cool new features and needing to know where all the landmines are so you can avoid writing something that will fail in one version or the other. Yes, let's try to use unicode and if it throws an error we'll use a str instead and perform that code every single time. Or lets try to deal with Py2's weird ass imports with Py3's better version and use the one weird method that works for both. It's actually kinda terrible.

On the other hand though, I'm finishing up my svg.elements svg parser for 2 and 3 before the deadline because I somehow think it'll be nice for people stuck with Python 2 and I'm going to stop updating it after EOL.

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