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Comment Misleading much... (Score 3, Insightful) 279

So what's with the uber pro-Firefox and Android spiel?

According to the web-site you can get the plug-in for Chrome as well. Albeit beta, but still.
And if that's the case, you can just install Chrome on your Apple device, it's in the itunes store, and install the plugin for it instead.

Comment Hide the PHD... (Score 1) 232

Manager's tend to have a bachelor's, or maybe a master's at best, and are often scared to death to hire in someone who might be viewed as if they should be managing over them due to educational background. It doesn't matter that the doctorate may not have anything to do with the area of work that is being performed, only that it's a doctorate. It sucks...but that's usually just the way it is. You're probably better off getting a couple of Cisco or networking certs and putting that on your resume instead. Most likely you'll be hired within the month.

Comment And maybe they just didn't want the job... (Score 1) 220

I know several contractor's who consistently try to bid themselves out of jobs when it comes to dealing with Universities.
Not all of them are technical contractor's admittedly, but I've heard similar stories from various fields.
Most of the time they say that the amount of interference from school official's and various professor's makes the work a nightmare and not worth doing at any price.
I wonder if Cisco figured "the juice isn't worth the squeeze" and intentionally over inflated their price to ridiculousness in order to avoid the entire project.

Comment The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander (Score 1) 726

These were the first fantasy books I can remember reading, and I was completely hooked on the genre afterwards.
I was in the first grade as I recall, and while they were a quick a light read, they actually dealt with some fairly heavy (at that age anyways) moral issues and life lessons.
Oh, and if you're basing an opinion of these books off of having watched Disney's Cartoon...don't...there are few similarities if any.

Comment Same old rumors being spread as facts (Score 0) 134

This article is slightly disingenuous at no point and time has the US admitted to being behind these cyber attacks. The NYTimes article that it links to sites unnamed sources, claiming that they are current and former government officials, yet does not release any names or actual proof. It looks to me like it's a bunch of unsubstantiated rumors trying to be spread as fact to generate news.

Comment I like how they ignored some facts... (Score 1) 115

I couldn't help but notice how this "opinion piece" didn't bother to mention the use of Stuxnet and it's effect on the Iranian enrichment program. This was as prime an example of Cyberwarfare as you'll ever get.

I guess if you're a zealot on a platform, its customary to completely ignore anything that's counter productive to your agenda.

Not that I feel that sacrificing individual rights and/or providing the government with more power is the answer.
More like user education...user education...user education!

Comment Try the DA (Score 2) 485

I'm not sure how it works in Canada, and IANAL...but I believe in some jurisdictions in the US you can go directly to the District Attorney and have them investigate the matter. Particularly in cases where the local police authority are not doing their job.

They may even balk at first on what's a seemingly small crime to them, but if you make a big enough nuisance of yourself, there's a good chance they'll do something about it, just to make you go away.

Comment making crap up? (Score 5, Insightful) 300

Perhaps I'm wrong on this, but I was under the impression that the controller's were part of a closed network, hence the reason for sneaking the stuxnet virus in via USB. Why on earth would it be trying to report back to anywhere?
Either, I have my facts wrong, or somebody is just making crap up to point a finger.

Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 492

If this is the case...then the Windows Machine with IE8 had to have been the first one to go down. Irish security researcher Stephen Fewer, the guy who exploited that one is the one who won the $15000.
So either this article is incorrect, or you don't know what you're talking about.

Comment Tax Payer Designated Project Taxes (Score 1) 973

I have no problem donating to plans/projects for these kinds of things.
My problem is that you never really know where your tax dollars are going, so it makes it really hard to support government funded projects like this.
I think our tax system needs overhauled/updated. I think we should be able to pick and choose what projects our money goes least a percentage of it anyways.
Don't get me couldn't let everyone just throw every tax penny at say education reform or transportation or something, but how about giving us the option to appropriate say 25% (or heck even 10%) of our tax dollars how we see fit.
At least then we could support government projects like this and at least have a sense that some of our money was going where we wanted it to.
And for those who don't care, let them just pay taxes as usual...100% just goes wherever the higher ups decide.


Fine Print Says Game Store Owns Your Soul 262

mr_sifter writes "UK games retailer GameStation revealed that it legally owns the souls of thousands of customers, thanks to a clause it secretly added to the online terms and conditions for its website. The 'Immortal Soul Clause' was added as part of an attempt to highlight how few customers read the terms and conditions of an online sale. GameStation claims that 88 percent of customers did not read the clause, which gives legal ownership of the customer's soul over to the UK-based games retailer. The remaining 12 percent of customers however did notice the clause and clicked the relevant opt-out box, netting themselves a £5 GBP gift voucher in the process."
Linux Business

Dell To Offer Open Source Bundles 84

ruphus13 writes "Dell has been offering Linux-based machines for a while, especially its Server-class machines. Now, Dell has decided that there are several open source applications that are ready for mainstream consumers. From the post, 'While we've all been speculating about whether Dell is working on Android netbooks, the computer hardware and software vendor was busy bundling open source applications to offer to small- and medium-sized business customers looking for low-cost alternatives to commercial software. The pre-configured "SMB-in-a-box" software is only available in the US for now, but Dell expects to launch a similar offering in Asia by the end of 2009... Although no specifics have been given about which apps are included in Dell's first bundle, it is aimed at the retail sector.' It is going to be interesting to see what Dell picks as the 'must-have' applications for the SMB market."

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