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Comment Terminology accuracy (Score 1) 522

That list of proposed alternatives shows how bad "master/slave" and "blacklist/whitelist" terminology actually is for technical accuracy. You don't really know what they mean from the name alone. Perhaps over time a more accurate and descriptive conventions will be developed for kernel, and for general SW development use.

I mean, does "blacklist" mean "ignore and block request" or "deny request"? Does "master" in some context mean "controller" or "client"? Etc.

Submission + - Linux team approves new terminology, bans terms like 'blacklist' and 'slave' (

An anonymous reader writes: Linus Torvalds approved on Friday a new and more inclusive terminology for the Linux kernel code and documentation. Going forward, Linux developers have been asked to use new terms for the master/slave and blacklist/whitelist terminologies. Proposed alternatives for master/slave include:
  • primary/secondary
  • main/replica or subordinate
  • initiator/target
  • requester/responder
  • controller/device
  • host/worker or proxy
  • leader/follower
  • director/performer

Proposed alternatives for blacklist/whitelist include:

  • denylist/allowlist
  • blocklist/passlist

Comment Re:...but Florida isn't covered in water yet??? (Score 1) 313

Trolling, or a real question? Oh well, in any case, this is about sea ice. Floating ice. Floating ice melting will not raise sea level, the melted water takes exactly as much volume as the submerged part of floating ice, per Archimedes's Law.

Also, sea ice is thin, measured in meters or at most tens of meters. The sea level rise problem comes from land ice, which is not floating and which has thickness measured in hundreds or thousands of meters. It'll take time for that to melt, so people living in places like large parts of Florida have time to move elsewhere, possibly even without creating a US internal refugee problem, much.

Comment Happy with Ubuntu (Score 1) 92

I for one am rather happy with Ubuntu. Can't stand Unity of course, and KDE has never been my cup of tea (have given it a few tries, given up every time, it just didn't do what I wanted). I was really happy when we got Ubuntu Mate, that just does what I want, and gets out of the way.

But with Ubuntu 16.10 I'm really looking forward to try Lubuntu again. The old LXDE is a bit too... lacking in small convenience features. I hope LXQt will improve on that (plus, I'm a Qt fan in general). If it's a let-down (beta 1 still has LXDE, I believe, so not trying it out yet), I suppose Ubuntu Mate will continue to give me the naughties UX.

Comment Re:Simple question (Score 1) 150

It also paves the way for solar satellites to harvest solar power and send it to non-polluting power stations on Earth, which can provide far more energy than is available from fossil fuels or fusion, and far more safely than fission.

Uh, solar power is simply redirected fusion. That is, after all, how the sun works.

Everything is redirected fusion, even including geothermal, because fusion is how radioactive elements in Earth were made. Only non-fusion energy production mechanism I can think of is gravity, in other words tidal power (also black hole accretion disks, but we don't have any, yet).

Comment Re:150 years ago... (Score 1) 378

I'd like to be wrong but I don't think humanity will venture as far as Mars, or even back to the Moon. Our adventurous spirit is largely extinguished and replaced with navel-gazing solipsism. We prefer weaponry to spacecraft in any case.

It only takes a tiny part of humanity to retain/rediscover that adventurous spirit. Moon was visited by combined science of nations with... I CBA to check so I'll say well under half a billion people, and with a lot less of accumulated knowledge than today. Humanity is not one collective, and I dare say it'll never be. 90% of people might embed themselves in VR and starve to death, but that still leaves almost a billion people who don't want to. Natural selection FTW.

Comment Re:Jumalauta Jyrki! (Score 1) 781

Lets just say, as a Tech Geek, I get offended / my intelligence gets offended, when eg in this case, a file extension that sounds perfectly benign gets changed for absolutely non-technical reasons but for poltical reasons.
Of course I see the irony here, but changing a technical detail for non-technical reasons and not because of a design flaw or whatever just rustles my jimmies.

And that is why geeks rarely make good marketing or management people. Because these soft people things matter, even when it doesn't seem to make logical sense. Things rarely succeed on technical merits, appearances (including such small things like file name extension and mime type) matter too.

Anyway, the cynical me suspects, that the extension was changed just to get publicity for the new format, and political correctness was just an excuse. Still, if this raises awareness of the format, I'm not going to blame them for doing it.

Comment Re:Oh the irony (Score 1) 781

Your understanding is very superficial. There's no irony at all. No one is honestly saying it is only about a technical detail. It's about moral, social and political values for both camps.

You're right, it's worse than just ironical. One camp is saying "we don't like this". Other camp is saying "we want this the way other camp doesn't like". I'm not sure how you go about compromising in a situation like that. So, a hint: When ever you notice the feminist/SJW/PC camp to have the more reasonable position, it's time to re-evaluate the situation. No matter how good "pro-bro movement" sounds, this is not the smartest battle to pick.

Comment Re:Oh the irony (Score 1) 781

So they checked with one subgroup in one 'culture-sphere' - how many more such combinations do I have to check with to ensure that I'm not offending someone somewhere? After all, bisexual Eritrean goat herders shouldn't have to feel bad just because you want to name your files something - it's so easily avoided, just choose another extension...

You don't have to check anything. But if someone does check something with someone, you should have some actual, concrete reason before you criticize them for checking and then changing something.

But if you are creating a word (or acronym/shortening which will be used like a word), which you wish to be universally used, I do think it is wise to think about existing meanings of the new word. Case in point, Gimp has probably suffered from the alternative meaning of the word (just a guess, no reference), with slightly less developers and users and positive publicity. It may be stupid, but it's the world we live in, and martyring oneself as opposer of excessive political correctness doesn't make much business sense.

Comment Re:Jumalauta Jyrki! (Score 1) 781

World is not safe. In particular for women. You can close your eyes and brag like a french rooster without any power as you are used to do, or do something about it. Every bit of change is worth it, even if you are too immature to think about half of your childrens which might statistically be female. You can do everything you like. That' just your choice to give this chance to all of your children. Now you can brag around and get back to SJW bashing.

Um, please re-read what I wrote. Because either you totally misunderstood my post (pointing out the hypocrisy of criticizing the change of extension), or I misunderstand your reply to it.

Comment Re:Jumalauta Jyrki! (Score 1) 781

Fucking fucking hells ass this world where you can't do anything anymore, because some selfish asshole gets offended evey time.

Looking at all the comments, I hope everybody realizes the irony here. You can't even change a file extension without a bunch of people getting their panties in a bunch :D

Comment Oh the irony (Score 2) 781

The rational thing is to change the extension to something neutral. It's just a technical detail and does not matter that much, so it's sensible to just be polite to those idi... humans who feel there is a problem.

Of course once you're polite, you get a bunch of other idi... humans saying they find the change of the extension without a technical reason offensive, and would like it changed back, failing to understand that they want it changed back for an equally non-technical "feel-good" reason.

Oh the irony.

Obviously it would be different if there was a good technical reason to demand just that one particular extension, but there isn't. It'd also be different if the new extension (instead of the act of changing it) was potentially as offensive.

Comment Re: To be expected (Score 1) 246

Don't worry, systemd will soon integrate with keylogctl and send all your porn browsing to Pothead.

It's open source and trivial to patch. And a distro which shipped something like that unpatched would be dead in a few days. Also it would result in immediate fork. Just observe what happened to MySQL and especially OpenOffice.

Comment Re: To be expected (Score 5, Informative) 246

Make that three, m$ finally pushed me over to kubuntu as a primary OS. I still maintain winblows at work, but I do so from my linux desktop (dual boot, but win 7 is way too slow).

I recently switched to running an Ubuntu variant on my old work laptop (top-of-the line from 2013), and running Windows as VirtualBox guest for stuff like MS Office and Windows development. Works very nice, all you need is enough memory and an SSD and a decent processor.

Comment Re: actually had this on my list today (Score 1) 157

So essentially an elaborate method of sending a clear text sequence of numbers (port numbers) to the server to allow access.

I wouldn't even call it elaborate. But it is different, so it is distinct extra security layer which offers unique protection. Cracking it basically requires that attacker can sniff low level traffic between client and server, and knows to watch for port knocking sequences. The important property of port knocking is, attacker without privileged knowledge doesn't know if server expects port knocking sequence, and attacker doesn't know if they failed critically and got that IP blocked. So it effectively blocks even remote detection of a running ssh server, let alone actually trying to break into one, while still allowing authorized access from everywhere.

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