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Comment Re:Lax attitudes toward child pornography (Score 1) 722

Well childporn is natural because of genes and stuff, and BIOTRUTH!!! Victimless crime! They take Bitcoins! If pedos can't have porn they will make it! Im not a pedo, I'm an ephebophile!

If you haven't noticed the decline in the quality of this site in the last couple years, and haven't noticed just how odious and disgusting a lot of the people commenting on it have gotten, you might not have been paying attention.

Comment Re:Problem here is "racism" (Score 1) 915

Unless you believe in said "invisible wizards", (which given the tone of such a mocking statement likely that you do not) and believe that leaders among those that believe in said invisible wizard are in direct communication with the wiz, I think a more accurate description of your position is:

"I have few problems with leaders who claim to be acting on the words of a magical invisible wizard, provided they do not order large mobs to kill others."

Comment Re:Good luck getting the protestors to support tha (Score 5, Insightful) 744

"And this isn't meant as flamebait. "

And yet it is.

Apple isn't getting a free pass, a lot of people are just not very well informed about the matter. Now that Apple's manufacturing practices are becoming better known, there is a growing back lash. Will it last? Maybe, maybe not. The truth is that the electronic devices like smart phones, computers and tablets are a part of everyday life in the US for a very large part of the population. Convincing people that they need to pay more for these devices isn't an easy cause to champion.

I am not even sure what the point of your comment was outside of a thinly veiled stab at a political movement that you obviously disagree with. Should everyone give a free pass to Apple just because you produced an anecdote that occupy protesters use too many apple devices?

Comment Re:Well, they're a good indicator of intelligence (Score 1, Insightful) 672

Puzzles with subjective answers can show a number of traits in a potential employee. People with overly rigid communication styles or those that fail in the ability to see through analogies are going to be a pain in your ass because they often can't get along well with or understand others in a work environment.

Honestly how many autistic spectrum IT people do you really need?

Comment Re:Google bashing thread! (Score 2) 584

It's like reddit.

  I mean Slashdot is literally like reddit in the sense that allowing any schmuck to moderate you are basically asking for a hivemind mentality. True, slashdot relies on a semi-random sampling (of people that like to moderate no less) of the user base, but overall you get the same net-effect.

The whole system should just be scraped. Disallow anonymous posting and consider implementing a short "lurk" time on new accounts (more for the spam) and the quality of comments is going to improve.

Comment Re:I, for one, salute our new sock-puppet overlord (Score 2) 217

Knowing it exists, will not tell you what is and isn't tainted with propaganda. For this reason, I don't think they are going to lose all that much sleep over the big secret getting out.

Embarrassing? Well maybe a little, but remember this is the same nation that had a pretty damning video of a helicopter attack on civilian targets go public, and there was disturbingly little backlash from the public all things considered.

Comment Re:Same time? (Score 2) 365

There are laws in most places protecting so called "good Samaritans" If however you act in a malicious or irresponsible way when you render said help, you may still be vulnerable to legal action. Realistically, if you are the first person on the scene of an accident, you should do what is in your capabilities to assist, even if all you can do is call for more capable help.

Honestly there is no excuse to not know Basic Life Support (aka CPR) in this day and age. Most communities have classes on the cheap, it doesn't take long to learn, and it really makes a huge difference in survival rates for people that need it.

Comment Re:This is why corporations are bad (Score 2) 109

Except that Mirror's Edge was short on both.

It did have a striking visual design, and the basic idea was good, but after you get past that first impression the gameplay never really progressed. I liken it to the first Assassin's Creed, great first impression, but after about 2 hours you have seen everything the game has to offer and the experience begins to stagnate.

Comment Re:Always fascinating. (Score 1) 194

The thing is though, is that it isn't complex, it is actually quite simple. The beauty of the algorithm is that it produced complex and interesting behavior using minimal resources, that behavior however is absolutely predictable and exploitable to top-level players. There is a charm to the lack of randomness though, and even the modern Champion Editions of Pac-Man, use very similar chase algorithms to the originals, and thus share the deterministic nature of the originals.

I can't read the actual article since their hosting has been crushed, but I read an article about the algorithm a couple years ago, and always found it funny that Pinky's chase code had an error in it causing him to target the wrong square when pacc-man was moving upwards (if I remember right correctly that is)

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