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Comment Devil and Angel on shoulder (Score 1) 218

Devil: you have never, in 30 years of laptop ownership, upgraded components or had RAM fail. You like thin and light, as long as performance doesn't suffer. RAM shortage wasn't the reason to change the machine - CPU speed/architecture and display technology improvements were and they really can't easily be upgraded. Last three machines all had the same amount of RAM.

Angel: but things should be repairable and upgradeable, just because.

Angel doesn't stand a chance. Maybe some buyers of vintage gear will one day lament not being able to upgrade a 2024 Dell laptop. Maybe some people have bad luck with RAM. My statistical universe says wiring in stuff works well for my tastes. YMMV, buy a Foundation, keep your existing upgradeable machine going for more years, or build your own.

Comment It's a two tiny-violin day (Score 1) 104

First UK firms complain about TikTok ban being devastating and now this. My luthier is going to be busy.

If your call centre is populated by poorly-trained people reading from a script then yes, it is amenable to being converted to an AI. And if your business model depends on dopamine-hit dependent youngsters endlessly swiping then you were always going to have problems eventually.

Sorry for the individuals concerned, obviously. But "devastating"?

Comment Summary? (Score 2) 55

Just me, or should a summary actually be a summary, with a link to a story we can read if we want, rather than a verbatim quote of pages of text?

Wired articles are always so flowery, there's plenty of scope for cutting it down to a paragraph and letting us get on with our lives.

From the not-that-important-but-it-bothered-me-enough-to-comment department.

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