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Comment Re:And still... (Score 1) 49

As important as closing windows has been to people over the years, I'm surprised no one has asked for the close button to also extend to the bottom left corner of the window.

Comment Re:Easy way to solve robots taking jobs (Score 2) 540

You don't have to sterilize anyone or otherwise restrict anyone's rights in order to limit reproduction. What you have to do is respect the rights of women, and the women themselves. Make sure that women are free to get an education, own property, vote, control their own bodies, and all those other things men are often free to do. Just look at the birth rates in the countries that already do this, and look at the quality of life in those countries. For anyone bothered by abortion, the rates of that actually go down too, but why don't you go work on early detection and artificial wombs instead of treating women like cattle?

Comment Re:It was fun while it lasted! (Score 1) 202

. . . everyone in the research group uses Macs . . .

This was pretty much my point. Whether a researcher uses Windows or Mac OS seems to be determined by either the likelihood that they program or use TeX; in either case they use Mac OS.

Still, I don't see how folks are productive with them . . .

As far as I can tell, they are. I mean, you just have to accept that. Would they be more productive on Linux? If so, I can't imagine why they would have switched. And I'm not saying everyone has jumped ship, just most. I've seen no compelling reason for anyone to switch to Linux from Mac OS or Windows. All that said, Linux still runs the computing clusters, but you can run an X server on either Mac OS or Windows for those remote apps.

. I see people holding the "left" arrow key for five seconds in the terminal to scroll to the beginning of the line since Apple doesn't believe in the "home" key, highlighting things and then doing "command-click, choose copy from menu, command-click, choose paste from menu" instead of having proper middle-click-to-paste support, and other such things that seem a great deal harder than on Linux.

The poor use of Home, End, etc. on Macs is one reason I haven't switched. I don't think they are even normal keys anymore; you have to press Fn or something, I think. I think somehow Up is almost the same as Home, and Down as End, but I'm not sure and . . . ugh. As for copy and paste, two options: keyboard shortcuts, and select then drag. Yeah, I think you have to give up middle-click insertion of PRIMARY, but I'm pretty sure you gain a clipboard that works for more than text. (Granted, this may have improved on X11 desktops—X certainly allows selection of anything—but I don't use that lately.)

You also get drag and drop that works correctly.

Then there's the fact that Apple seems to have merged the concepts of "show me the programs that are on this computer and let me launch them" with "show me the windows that are open and let me switch to them", with the result that figuring out which of 8 terminals is the one I want is more involved than it needs to be. I'm not sure why it does this; is the differentiation between the actions "switch to my Firefox window" and "launch Firefox" really too complicated for the average user?

But aren't Windows, GNOME, KDE, Unity, and whatever pretty much doing the same thing? I dislike it too, but shy of going for otherwise even more broken desktop environments, I don't see a way out of that. I think I'm soon due for another round of trying everything out, but last I checked, Unity was the best without having to tweak anything.

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