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Comment Re:Reasons to reject GPL3 (Score 1) 83

Apple is stripping out GPL3 based components

More specifically, Apple does not and never has allowed GPLv3 code into the building. They're not stripping out GPLv3 code, they're staying with old versions of projects that switched to GPLv3 until a permissively licensed replacement is finished. This is not a strategy exclusive to Apple - a lot of companies were unhappy with GPLv2 and now find GPLv3 quite scary. We've had quite a few companies start to contribute to FreeBSD and related projects as a result of GPLv3.

Comment Re:What the hell? (Score 1) 83

Most of those companies don't donate large amounts to the Foundation, but they do employ people to work on code that can be upstreamed. This benefits the system a lot, but the advantage of Foundation donations is that they can be used to work on things that are not directly commercially relevant now - for more strategic projects, or for cleaning up bits of the infrastructure.

Comment Re:Corporate donors (Score 1) 83

LLVM started as a university project. It wasn't until after Apple hired Chris Lattner and shipped a GLSL stack that other people started contributing in significant amounts. Chris offered LLVM to the FSF before Apple hired him, but they didn't want it. Clang (the C/C++/Objective-C front end, which is the bit most people think of as LLVM) was created in-house at Apple and open sourced, as was libc++. Now, there are about as many Google employees working on LLVM and Clang and a lot of people from elsewhere, so if Apple decided to take their ball and go home we'd still have an actively developed UIUC-licensed compiler.

But if you want to look at other work Apple has financed, take a look at the MAC framework in FreeBSD. There are a few other examples, but that's a nice big subsystem that was entirely developed with funding from Apple.

Comment Re:Corporate donors (Score 1) 83

Juniper was a silver sponsor last year, but that doesn't tell the entire story. They've also been upstreaming a lot of the JUNOS code over the last couple of years. Most recently, they've started to push their code signing infrastructure (built on top of the MAC framework that was financed by Apple) to FreeBSD. The code is still under review, but should be landing quite soon. They've also spent quite a bit of manpower on some really tedious things, like improving the FreeBSD build process, which makes lots of developers happy but no one wants to do.

Comment Re:Corporate donors (Score 1) 83

Apple strips out the GPL stuff because they don't like having to contribute everything back. They like being able to release things on their own schedule. FreeBSD has benefitted quite a lot from Apple (for example, the MAC framework was jointly developed for FreeBSD and Darwin, funded by Apple), but they generally contribute developer time rather than money. The FreeBSD Foundation is on their list for matched donations though, so if Apple employees donate then Apple will also add to the contribution. The donors page is a little bit misleading, because it only counts no-strings donations in money. Yahoo and New York Internet, for example, donate a huge amount in hardware and datacenter space, but don't appear in the list. Juniper was only in the Silver category last year, but if you counted the salaries of the people they paid to work on FreeBSD and upstream changes they'd easily be in the Uranium category.

Comment Re:So, time to scrap TSA/airport security checks (Score 1) 208

Two hours? I've flown to and from (and within) the US quite a few times over the past year, and I don't think security has taken more than 10 minutes at any airport. Immigration took far longer on the way into the US, because the fingerprint scan and photo plus the passport check and the sequence of questions all take a long time per person.

Comment Re:landing difficult, flying easy until something (Score 1) 337

More importantly: there have been simulator tests of inexperienced pilots (people with no flying experience and people who have private licenses for small planes) trying to land a commercial airliner, being talked through what to do by people over the radio. In no cases did the plane land in a way that would have resulted in most of the passengers surviving. I don't find this surprising. Having flown light aircraft and gliders, landing one is sufficiently different from the other that you have to remember what you're flying, and big jets are a lot different from both.

In contrast, while autoland isn't perfect, if a plane is coming in with an incapacitated pilot then ATC is going to clear a simple approach path and ensure that there's a lot of space around the runway and emergency vehicles on standby. You've got a much higher chance of autoland getting you safely down than a random passenger, unless there happens to be an off-duty airline pilot in the back, or an air force pilot who's used to flying large bombers or transport planes.

Comment Re:Hey California, I have a solution for you (Score 1) 752

A friend explained it like this. Two people go out to dinner. One says, "I feel like eating Italian tonight." The other says, "I want to eat Anthrax and broken glass." Now, compromise so both are happy.

Stay in, order a pizza, and let one of them season his with anthrax and broken glass. The problem in the USA is that the story is more like one says 'Italian is the only food that people should be allowed to eat' and the other says 'no, everyone should be force-fed broken glass'.

Comment Re:so green (Score 1) 282

No idea when it's going to start washing means you have no idea when to go in and move them to the dryer

This assumes that you have a separate dryer, which assumes that you have space for a washer and a dryer...

And if you're going to quote a $500 refrigerator (with a link that doesn't work) as a 'basic refrigerator', then I know that we're living in completely different worlds. When I moved house 3 years ago, I bought a new fridge and spent about 15% of that, including delivery.

Comment Re:surprised, yet not surprised. (Score 1) 157

I like OSMAnd for mapping on Android. It uses OSM data and lets me download entire country (or, in the US, state) map sets. Most of the time when I want a map, I'm in another country, where data roaming charges are insane, and so being able to stick the maps for an entire country on the SD card before I leave is great. Most are only a couple of hundred MBs, so downloading over WiFi is very fast. Near where I live, the OSM data is a lot better than either Google or Apple Maps (it has cycle paths in the correct places, for example, and doesn't have pubs by the names that they haven't had for 20 years).

Comment Re:Stupidly expensive (Score 1) 53

I recently switched to 3 for their 3-2-1 plan (pay as you go, 3p/min for calls, 2p/text, 1p/MB of data, with 150MB free [expires after a month] when you top up). I've actually started using the data facilities on my phone while mobile since then. I used to only use it when I was near WiFi, because most of the stuff I'd want to do while mobile is only 1-2MB and my previous carrier had a flat rate per day for data up to a cap. Now, using 2MB of data is only 2p, which is expensive in comparison to doing it at home, but not enough money to actually care about, even if I did it every day.

Comment Re:so green (Score 1) 282

Most of the time when I run the washing machine, I want the clothes clean today, I don't care particularly when. I'd be happy for the machine to wait until there was a bit of extra supply. With the fridge, to maintain a constant temperature you have a feedback system which has some dampening to prevent oscillation - you can either advance or delay the chilling by quite a bit without affecting the temperature. You can also run the compressor and chill the coolant a bit in advance of needing it, if it were economically sensible to do so - the extra insulation would only add a small amount to the cost, and you'd likely recoup that in a year if electricity prices fluctuated by 10% during the day.

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