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Comment Re:use norton (Score 0) 223

Not to worry, Linux kernel has had a massive hole all of its own found this week as well.

If you're feeling left out, here's 31 pages of vulnerabilities for Ubuntu . Just select Ubuntu as the vendor and Ubuntu Linux as the title. You can do it for other distros if you're using them. Results will be similar for most distributions

Comment Re:Time and Money (Score 0) 872

When are they going to realize that the people paying $35 ~ $200 a month for services which today cost about 10% of the charge are the real shareholders, and are the only real reason they are in business.

When are you going to realise what the actual real cost of bandwidth is? Clue: It's a fucking lot more than what you're paying now which is why contention ratios exist.

I assume you're one of those people who thinks that if you pay for 10Mbit, you should be able to get that 24/7? Here's a simple task for you. Find out the monthly supply cost to an ISP of a typical 640MBit pipe. Divide that by the package you're paying for (so if you're on 10Mbit and it's a 640Mbit pipe, the answe is 64). Divide the monthly cost to the ISP of that pipe by your answer and you get the actual bandwidth cost to the ISP, excluding any costs for their infrastructure, to provide your bandwidth 24/7. I can guarantee that the cost is many many times what you're paying a month. If you want your bandwidth fully available 24/7 with no slow down, no problem but it'll be at least 10% higher than the end answer you came up with.

Comment Re:fairness (Score 0) 872

That is addressing the problem from an ISP's point of view, or perhaps the "**AA's talking points for ISPs" point of view.

If I pay for 10Mbps download speed, it should not matter to anyone how I use those bits. If you as my ISP cannot handle that traffic, you should NOT have sold it to me in the first place. Every time you throttle or shape my traffic, I want a rebate. It's that simple.

No problem. If you want a dedicated 10Mbps unrestricted service you can have it but you'll pay the full cost of that bandwidth supply which is $100's a month.

Comment Re:A little extreme there, don't you think? (Score 0) 872

Has it not percolated into your tiny brain that we don't recognize the legitimacy of the bodies that make the laws?

...whilst hypocritically expecting the Police to enforce laws designed to protect you made by the bodies you don't recognise. You'd be really pissed off if no laws were enforced, someone decided they wanted your computer and either beat the living shit out of you or shot you in the process of relieving you of its ownership.

You voted them in. Stupid fuck.

Comment Re:uh, build from source? (Score 0) 865

You know, rather than fussing around with all that bullshit, I have an idea: build from source. Your package manager downloads the source package, it builds it, it installs it, so it's definitely native for your infrastructure. You know, I think even some Linux distributions do this...

Ah yes, because we all have hours to sit around waiting for it to finish only to find that there's a missing dependency and it fails right at the last hurdle because it's expecting version 1.2.3 of a file and you have version 1.2.2-99. And if it does compile OK, find out that it's crap and gets uninstalled quickly. At least with a .deb or .rpm file, you download it, package manager executes it and it takes a couple of minutes tops.

Comment Re:Almost everything he complains about is wrong (Score 0) 865

He complains the distribution differences make life hard for people selling software. Well, tough, if they want money maybe they should work for it?

With the piddly desktop market share Linux has coupled with the fact that a very large percentage of Linux users will simply not pay for software if there's a FOSS equivalent, no matter how bad, they'll just decide it's commercially not worth bothering doing a Linux port and concentrate on Windows and Mac OSX instead. If 1% of the user base is causing 90% of the headaches trying to get it to work with their OS of choice, simply remove that OS from the list you make it available for. The $$ amount you'll lose in sales will be recouped in the savings you make in development and aftersales support.

Comment Re:that's easy: USB, video and documentation (Score 1, Interesting) 865

USB barely works. It's OK for mass-storage devices, but sucks hugely for high-bandwidth devices, or anything that's removable - and gets removed.

I'm sorry but as someone who spends a lot of time countering the Linux is good, Windows is shit brigade, that you're wrong. USB works a treat and has done for many a year. I have however had issues with an iPod on Windows and the usbstor.sys bug.

Comment Re:the problem with linux (Score 0) 865

Of course it's a mess. Configuration files all over the place. Different X servers, Qt new version or GTK new version breaks backwards compatibility with old stuff. That 5k application you've downloaded needs 128MB of dependencies because it's a KDE app and you use Gnome (and vice-versa). Different locations for the same file depending on whatever distro you use.

Compare this to Windows where the core OS is the same. One graphics server, one central place for configuration, Windows files in the same places across the board. Completely different to Linux. If you write a 32 bit app for Windows, it'll work across them all. You don't have to worry about Windows X having a different quirk to Windows Y etc etc.

Comment The biggest problem is... (Score 0, Insightful) 865


Take Gnome Password Protected Windows Network Share Browsing. Worked fine in Gnome 2.22, completely fucking broken in 2.24. Why? Because they changed to gvfs, decided to take out/omit authentication and now don't know how the fuck to fix it. And then you have CIFS which can't resolve Windows Computer Names on a network. What fucking idiot decided that in a world with a 90% Windows desktop market share that removing the ability to browse windows networks was a good idea?


Royal Society of Chemistry Slams UK Exam Standards 408

cheesethegreat writes "The Royal Society of Chemistry has sharply criticized the 'catastrophically' falling standards for UK school exams in the sciences. The RSC had 1,300 highly achieving students take an exam made up of questions taken from the last 50 years. The students averaged an appalling 15% on 'hard' numerical questions set in the 1960s, but managing much higher marks on the more recent 'soft' non-numerical questions. This latest report has garnered mainstream media attention. The RSC has also created a petition on the UK Prime Minister's official website, calling for urgent intervention to halt the slide, which has garnered over 3,000 signatures. The issue of declining exam standards has been an ongoing concern in the UK, with allegations that exam results have been manipulated by the government to increase pass rates and meet its own targets."

MS Says Windows 7 Will Run DirectX 10 On the CPU 503

arcticstoat writes "In what could be seen as an easy answer to the Vista-capable debacle, Microsoft has introduced a 'fully conformant software rasterizer' called WARP (Windows Advanced Rasterization Platform) 10, which does away with the need for a dedicated hardware 3D accelerator altogether. Microsoft says that WARP 10 will support all the features and precision requirements of Direct3D 10 and 10.1, as well as up to 8x multi-sampled anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering and all optional texture formats. The minimum CPU spec needed is just 800MHz, and it doesn't even need MMX or SSE, although it will work much quicker on multi-core CPUs with SSE 4.1. Of course, software rendering on a single desktop CPU isn't going to be able to compete with decent dedicated 3D graphics cards when it comes to high-end games, but Microsoft has released some interesting benchmarks that show the system to be quicker than Intel's current integrated DirectX 10 graphics. Running Crysis at 800 x 600 with the lowest quality settings, an eight-core Core i7 system managed an average frame rate of 7.36fps, compared with 5.17fps from Intel's DirectX 10 integrated graphics."
PC Games (Games)

Left 4 Dead Demo Includes Linux Steam Client Libraries 217

SheeEttin writes "If you've been longing to play games from Steam on your Linux machine, you may not have to wait much longer — the Left 4 Dead demo includes some Linux libraries, in particular, one named 'steamclient_linux.so.' While the game's full release does not include these libraries, their apparently accidental inclusion in the demo suggests that Steam games will have native Linux clients in the near future. (A job listing at Valve looking for someone whose responsibilities would include 'Port[ing] Windows-based games to the Linux platform' would seem to support this.) The libraries also include several strings nonessential to a pure server, including references to forgotten passwords. Hopefully, this indicates that at least some Valve-affiliated games will have native Linux clients."

Comment Re:Non-free blobs are a problem, but... (Score 0) 405

Fedora has no non-free software (binary firmware blobs that are distributed with the kernel excepted) to begin with. Moreover Fedora has no 'non-free' repositories.

And that's why when I installed Fedora 10 instead of Ubuntu and realised I would have to go back to hours of fucking around to get my wifi working instead of having a simple 2 click process that pops off to get the proprietry firmware as Ubuntu does, I shoved in the Ubuntu CD and snapped the Fedora 10 one in two, never to darken a computer I own again.

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