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Comment Spending my 42nd birthday with DNA (Score 2) 86

Just by coincidence, I live in Highgate in London, *literally* neighboring Highgate Cemetary in London where Douglas Adams (and Karl Marx) are buried. Visiting graveyards alone is a socially acceptable activity during lockdown (if a bit morbid), but as it so happens next week is my 42nd birthday. I already booked tickets, and on my 42nd birthday I'll be spending at least some of the time with Douglas Adams. If I can't spend time with alive people, I at least hope that wherever he is -- or isn't -- or will haven en been -- DNA would appreciate the gesture. I will be bringing a towel, naturally. If it's not too morbid or tacky, I'm hoping that I can get a selfie.

Comment 4-5? WAY too young! (Score 1) 310

First, my background: I dabbled in coding as a teenager, but didn't really learn to code until age 35. Now at age 41, I'm a Sr. Engineer at a Global 500. So - here's the problem with teaching kids to program at age 5. No matter what programming language you use, (even Scratch) the basic building block of programming is the function. And functions are a concept that are *hard to understand,* so much so that 4-5 year olds, even the *really gifted* ones, aren't going to understand it. Gifted 10 year olds? Maybe, but then you have to start teaching Algebra earlier, and I don't think you can understand programming functions until you understand the concepts behind mathmatical ones. Once you understand the function, I don't think it matters whether you understand it better mathmatically (whether you go on to understand higher order functions as mathmatical or as parameter based pointers) but programming is about as complex as Algebra. At age 4 or 5, you're not really doing programming - which is problem solving.

The best you might be able to do is to get kids to memorize formulae and apply it, but that's not *actual programming* (and if I'm going to be honest, one of the problems I see from junior programmers that were primarily educated on the Indian subcontinent is that they tend to 'cargo cult' a lot, applying rote methods without really understanding how to create their own solutions to problems - though it is not universal, and tends to go away after year 1 or 2 on the job)

Honestly, we could always use more STEM grads but if 2020 has taught us anything, it's that there's still need for competent scientifically-literate lay people to go into the social fields -- we had all the scientists in the world telling us what we needed to do, but nobody bothered to listen.

Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 857

> Determining which one is more evil is a pointless exercise. No, it really isn't. I used to think the way you did, but: Clinton: * Maybe isn't the best candidate. * Pretty much a Republican. * Made some shady, but not illegal, deals to get her campaign financed. * Has a first-instinct to cover everything up, even the innocuous things. Trump * Openly stokes racist and xenophobic fervor to the point that the secret service is having to protect the press. * Is currently being (credibly) accused of raping a child, and the only reason that criminal charges have not been filed is because the statute of limitations elapsed. * Has openly bragged about how it's "smart" that he doesn't pay taxes. * Has openly lied on several occasions * Has the support of the American Nazi Party and the KKK. * Has put out an anti-semitic final ad right before election day * Fails to pay out his contractors on his many businesses, putting people out of work * Has made horrible business decisions * Has bragged about sexually assaulting women. ... and the big one * Has threatened to withdraw from the international agreements which has kept the world from falling into the hands of Russian conquest for 60+ goddamn years, while *increasing* the proliferation of nuclear weapons. And that above list doesn't include all the shit he's done that I can't remember right now. Do I want Clinton as my next President? Hell no. But we are now in game theory mode: One of two options is bad, the other is worse, and one of them *will* come to pass. So yeah, "Determining which one is more evil" is about as point-ful as it gets.

Comment Re:East Berlin, really? (Score 3, Interesting) 166

What was interesting is that the U.S. Military posts in West Berlin were not necessarily there to actually stop any real Soviet advance into the city, but to be used as effective human shields. That is, if the Soviets invaded West Berlin, the death of American troops (a certainty) would give America the justification it would need to go to war with the Soviets. Therefore, since the Soviets didn't want a full-scale war with America, they would not start a small-scale war against West Germany. It was the geopolitical equivalent of letting your opponent know that you'll go all-in if he tries to steal the pot.

Submission + - Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales is now chairing Lessig's Presidential bid. (lessigforpresident.com)

Funksaw writes: New York – Wikipedia founder and Internet entrepreneur Jimmy Wales is the new Committee Chairman for Larry Lessig’s campaign to be the Democratic nominee for President.

“Larry’s run for President is different,” said Wales, who founded the free-access, free-content encyclopedia in the early 2000s. “He’s crowdfunding his campaign instead of seeking out rich donors. He’s showing people that we can change the rigged political system.”

Both long-time supporters of Internet freedom, Wales and Lessig have stood side by side on previous issues, most notably in opposing the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in 2012. Wales’ day-long Wikipedia blackout protesting SOPA influenced other major Internet players to follow suit and is credited with helping to sink the legislation.

Submission + - Lessig's Equal Citizens: "Why we need technical people to take on corruption" (medium.com)

Funksaw writes: An article in "Equal Citizens," Lawrence Lessig's Medium-based blog dealing with issues of institutional corruption in democratic politics, explains why, specifically, the reform movement needs (more) people with technical minds and technical skills.

FTA: "What we need are more people willing to look at the laws of this country based on their function. And when I use the word “function,” I mean very specifically the same sense that a computer programmer means it. (Because lord knows, government isn’t functioning by any other definition.)...

It’s not just that big money politics is being injected [like a code injection] into the function of democracy. It’s also that the function of democracy can be warped by an injection. Stopping the injection of money into our democratic function still leaves the function vulnerable to the same—or similar—injection attack.... We need people who can solve the problems of politics like a programmer solves problems in computer code, because a democratic system with vulnerabilities is a democratic system that can fail or be made to fail.

The article was authored by the technical adviser to the New Hampshire Rebellion and Mayday.US, two of Lessig's major reform projects.

Comment Re:Well, she was an interim. (Score 4, Informative) 467

If I say something that's considered to be insensitive in certain contexts, or a word that has been associated with hate and bigotry, that's political incorrect. It is "politically incorrect" to call black people "colored," even though the octogenerian users of that term may not have even seen anything wrong with it's use, it wasn't always seen as an offensive word, and in fact, is part of the name of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People). That's political incorrectness. And you treat political incorrectness with stern correction that the behavior is "not appropriate," and you try to educate, if possible. Hate speech is when you *know* how hurtful your words are **and that's the entire point of why you say them.** The stuff Reddit banned during Pao's tenure absolutely, positively qualified as "hate speech."

Comment Approximately $80,000 (Score 1) 377

I'm the amateur programmer who first programmed the code for Lawrence Lessig's Mayday PAC. I don't know if you remember this, but the site went down on May 2, for about 8 hours, when we were raising roughly $10,000/hr. I had built everything on a LAMP stack and sent everything through a single MySQL database, which just didn't scale. (I was - and still am - an amateur). Luckily, pro developers stepped up and staunched the bleeding, and eventually we moved onto a Ruby-on-Rails system for the front-end and a NodeJS/Google App Engine solution for the backend.

Submission + - Amateur Mayday.US dev is crowdfunding code school & paying it forward.

Funksaw writes: Last year I was an amateur programmer who put together the first version of Lawrence Lessig’s Mayday PAC website. Now, I’m planning on attending a coding “boot-camp” to jump-start my programming career.

I’m using crowdfunding to raise the money for tuition at SendThisGuyToCodeCamp.com. I know I’m asking for a big favor from complete strangers, but I’ve also pledged to pay forward any funds I receive out of my first year’s salary as a programmer to a scholarship fund to send someone else to code camp. Furthermore, I plan to give 100 hours of pro-bono professional development work to groups fighting to reform our broken political system. And (recursively) the scholarship recipients must pledge to do the same, meaning that your donation will go on to help dozens or hundreds. Check out the video for more details.

Submission + - Lessig will be at June 4th Seattle Premiere of "Killswitch"

Funksaw writes: Lawrence Lessig will be speaking alongside Marianne Williamson at the Seattle premiere of "Killswitch: The Battle to Control the Internet" and the following reception.

Tickets are $15 for the movie and reception, and every dollar of those funds will be used to support the work of the New Hampshire Rebellion (which Lessig founded) to reduce the corrupting influence of money in American politics.

Submission + - Lessig's MAYDAY PAC launches online call tool in time for NH Sen. Primary (mayday.us)

Funksaw writes: Lawrence Lessig's anti-corruption Mayday PAC has just launched a online tool where supporters of campaign finance reform across the nation can call voters on the phone and urge them to come to the polls and vote for reform. It's first test is this Tuesday, September 9th.

Mayday PAC is entering it's toughest race of this election cycle — supporting pro-campaign finance reform Senatorial candidate Jim Rubens in the Republican Primary against former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown.

It's an important race because Rubens is the only Republican senatorial candidate in the nation to make campaign finance reform an issue front and center in his campaign (a position that 70% of Republicans support). Mayday PAC wants to send a message that this issue can mobilize not just Democratic voters, but Republican and Republican-Libertarian voters as well.

Anyone can head to http://call.mayday.us, and the online tool will allow them to use their own phone to connect to critical New Hampshire voters.

Submission + - "The Internet Has A SuperPAC," says Steve Wozniak, about Lessig's Mayday.US (mayday.us)

Funksaw writes: Steve Wozniak, co-found of Apple computer, has come out to endorse Lawrence Lessig's MAYDAY PAC in an animated audio recording.

Mayday.US, formerly "MayOne.US," is Lessig's crowd-funded (citizen-funded!), kick-started Super PAC to end all Super PACs.

In the video, Wozniak points out that we're never going to get anywhere on issues important to the Internet community and technology advocates if we don't fix the root cause of corruption. The video can be found at the Mayday PAC's new landing page, "theInternetHasASuperPAC.com"

Submission + - Why tech activists must become campaign finance reform activists (nathanmarz.com)

Funksaw writes: In a blog post called: 'Why we in tech must support Lawrence Lessig', former Twitter engineer Nathan Marz makes the argument that technological issues, such as net neutrality, broadband monopolies, and extended copyrights, can't be addressed until campaign finance reforms are enacted, and that initiatives such as Lawrence Lessig's Mayday PAC need to be supported. FTA:

This issue is so important and touches so many aspects of our society that I believe it's our duty as citizens to fight for change any way we can. We have to support people who are working day and night on this, who have excellent ideas on how to achieve reform.

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