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Comment Paraphrasing someone.. (Score 4, Insightful) 184

There are two infinite certainties, the universe, and human stupidities, and I'm not so sure about the universe. We will end up with names of sports teams and sky objects that do not reflect any minorities, and then someone will wonder: "WHY are there no minorities mentioned in sports team and sky objects", teams will be labeled as racist, and NASA will be sued and send a minority to Mars just for being a minority and cover their asses. These decisions, and the people who think that mentioning a minority is racists are of astronomical stupidity, pun intended.

Comment Copernicus (Score -1, Flamebait) 206

Sorry, it was Copernicus who championed the idea of heliocentrism (planets revolving around the sun) thus taking the earth out of the center of the universe model. Galileo was famed for the usage of the telescope to look at the heavens, the telescope had already been invented. In fact Galileo didn't invent or discover the things he is famous for, he simply marketed them..

Comment Good technology but impractical (Score 1) 155

How many people do you see using laptops while they're sitting out in the sun, not many. In developing countries where they lack electricity I don't think you will find many laptop users sitting out either for fear of being robbed, an no I am not stereotyping, this is a fact. What third-world countries need, is electricity and running water, before they start using laptops.

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