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Comment Re:Actualy, not so great if you have a mobile phon (Score 1) 213

but that assumes you don't want ANY text messages displayed. I have need to see most text messages when in lock mode, and there's no way to screen this specific type of notification out. One approach would be for the initial message from yahoo to not contain the actual code, but rather requires a response before sending the actual code in a second text message. And yes, text messaging rates would apply :)

Comment So stream it... (Score 2) 589

I can easily see how to capitalize on this by releasing it via pay per view/on-demand or other services (assuming, of course, these providers can do a better job at protecting their servers than Sony did in the first place). Who says you have to sit in a physical movie theater with a bunch of strangers that you don't talk to in order to enjoy this movie?

Comment Read "The Billionaire Shell Game"... (Score 1) 38

If you really want to get a sense of how machavellian the Cable industry can be, read the book The Billionaire Shell Game [,A href="">Amazon]. Written before the Internet Bubble of 2000, it speaks to the early days of TCI and Bell Atlantic, but loops in a lot of other major industry players at the time.
I had the (dis)fortune to observe firsthand how some of these cable giants played the game in late 1999/early 2000, and wished I had read that book before taking the consulting gig.

Comment Wouldn't that same logic apply to calling them? (Score 3, Insightful) 628

Would seem that any action that distracts a driver would then be fair game. Called someone you know on their mobile phone? Even the simple act of them having to reach for the phone, or put their bluetooth headset one, or (heck) even press the answer button on their in-dash system could be argued by a lawyer to have caused a distraction. And what's next? Can I be liable simply for waiving at someone from the sidewalk? After all, they may have to turn their head to see who it was that was waiving, and next thing you know.... BLAM! sigh. I sure do love living in NJ at times.

Comment I would wonder if this wouldn't run afoul of HIPPA (Score 2) 181

I wouldn't be surprised if the lawyers at these drug companies were concerned that they would somehow be violating the medical privacy laws by allowing visibility of (potential) users of their product by other FB users. If you were to post on their wall that you had adverse side effects, and your boss saw that comment and took action because of concern for a medical condition the company had previously not known about, I'm sure some plaintiff's lawyer would try to hold the drug company liable for exposing that fact (even while the boss/employer was also clearly in the wrong).

Comment Re:Depends on who you cater to (Score 1) 512

My company has 1 specific application out of 100+ (provided by a 3rd party vendor, not built internally) that is causing us to maintain IE6 as the corporate standard.

And since you can't have both IE6 and IE8 installed at the same time on the same machine without jumping through hoops (and apparently it's too difficult a learning curve for IT to support Firefox for some 99% of the apps while relegating IE6 only for use with this one application in question), we're stuck with IE6 as a corporate standard.

Which also means we can't get off XP easily either. Bleah all around.


Ya ever wonder if Slashdot had been a Facebook app, whether anyone would have used it?

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