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Comment Re:No the complaining will start... (Score 1) 369

shadyads.interestingsite.com will be a CNAME dns record, referring over to shadyads.com - so their server will be accessed as if it's part of interestingsite.com's domain, elevating the cookie to First Party status even though it's transmitted to-and-from an entity which is third-party. The wrinkle is that interestingsite have intentionally given shadyads the authority to do this, by adding that dns record.


Twitter Sued By British Soccer Player 264

norriefc writes "Here in the UK super injunctions are all the rage. These are injunctions that bar the press from even mentioning that the injunctions exist. Recently a Twitter account exposed several of these super injunctions and named several people involved and what their alleged indiscretions were. Now one 'famous' soccer player is trying to sue Twitter and the yet to be named tweeters for invasion of privacy, apparently in ignorance of the Streisand effect. I'm doubtful of an American company paying much attention to UK anti-free-speech laws"

Comment TV-B-Gone (Score 1) 260

Just throwing this out there, I'm not available to go do this myself, but a TV-B-Gone or similar "universal TV turner-offer" device would be useful for this action. Even if you're not visibly obviously "doing protesting", you can help Sony reduce their carbon footprints by turning off all their store display TVs for them.

Comment Re:Yeah yeah (Score 3, Interesting) 580

http://www.bitcoin.org/ and a recent episode of Security Now went into a bunch of detail about the theory of how it works.

(tl;dr hard crypto-guesswork puzzles are used to restrict the creation of their new digital currency. It is apparently anonymous and untraceable, and some sites already exist that will trade it for RL US$)

Comment Re:Why not wait? (Score 1) 481

Sounds like you're running lots of crummy add-ons, or you're leaving pages open that are doing lots of bad Javascript stuff (e.g., never letting go of objects so they can be collected). That's the main cause of memory bloat.

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