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Comment Re:Programmers != Engineers (Score 1) 314

Professional Engineers (P.E.) is a trademark in the US much like a PhD, MD, JD, etc. To attain the tittle of a P.E. (disclaimer, I have a P.E. in WA and a P.Eng. in Canada) an individual must meet a certain set of education, and vocational (job) experience requirements and take a notationally administered exam to prove competency in his/her field of expertise. An additional ethics exam is administered by each State. My state offers many types of professional licenses.

Under the "Engineer" category the following P.E. licenses are given:




Civil: Construction

Civil: Geotechnical

Civil: Structural

Civil: Transportation

Civil: Water Resources and Environmental

Control Systems

Electrical and Computer: Computer Engineering

Electrical and Computer: Electrical and Electronics

Electrical and Computer: Power


Fire Protection


Mechanical: HVAC and Refrigeration

Mechanical: Mechanical Systems and Materials

Mechanical: Thermal and Fluids Systems

Metallurgical and Materials

Mining and Mineral Processing

Naval Architecture and Marine



Comment Options broken down (Score 2, Interesting) 561

Yes, even if I would die on impact

This option doesn't make sense. The engineers/mission controllers will do everything to ensure a higher probability of surviving than this.

Yes, if we had a 50% chance of surviving a year

See above.

Yes, if we had a 50% chance of surviving 5 years

See above.

Yes, if we had a 50% chance of surviving 10 years

This may not be too unreasonable, provided there is actually a plan in place to resupply and/or bring the astronaut back to earth within 5 years or less on the premise that we'll set you off to Mars right now, and pick you up later wen we get our better spacecraft/technology finalized. If more than 5 years passes, well, you may be screwed by a probability exceeding 50% if we can't get the technology to bring you back.

No way, round trip only

This would be the logical option, but the hardest to attain of them all.

No way, flying is for the birds

Your standard, albeit stupid, nonsensical Slashdot option.

I'd vote yes in a poll but chicken out later

I voted for this as the majority has as well. I find myself always voting for the option with the highest probability of votes. This one was easy, because it is also the easiest to identify with on many levels.

Stay away from my world, hoo-man.

Occasionally, we are faced with two nonsensical options in Slashdot polls.

Comment Rather weak reporting... (Score 3, Insightful) 195

As this matter falls onto the newly created black hole, it gets heated to unimaginable temperatures — millions of degrees— and blasts out X-rays

Translation: The temperature is so high, it is somehow unimaginable using numbers. But since you are reading on, let me just pull a totally random number out of my ass and say a million degrees... wait no.. make it a millions, as in more than 1 million, which makes my claim sound sorta vague and not precise but makes it nevertheless appear I know what I'm talking about. That should cover the unimaginable bit of it. Besides, its not like you're going to check anyways so fuck it, lets and some em dashes for extra emphasis for no other reason other than because its really "HOT". I mean wow, can you imagine a place this hot? I'm just siting here in my office, thinking to myself, geeze this black hole stuff is not the usual environment I'm used to, most likely because I would have been obliterated and spit out as really "HOT" x-rays... there, you see where I'm coming from? HOT!

Comment Re:Hypocrisy Isn't Free (Score 1) 671

She said, 'My son didn't get to start over when he was killed. His life was over and I had to deal with that every day. There's 1200 families from Afghanistan that have to live with this every day. And we live it -- it's not a game..

That's funny, I hear that's what the people on the other side said too, except possibly in another language.

Last I heard, American soldiers were supposed to be fighting to preserve a way of life, a way which includes freedom of expression.

Reminds of the saying :opinions are like assholes, everyone has one."

Same goes for movies, whaaa... , what about "the Green Zone", "the Hurt Lock" (over-hyped POS movie, btw), and all of the other movies about the current conflicts the US is/has engaged in. True, they are in the point of USA, but only since a movie in the freedom fighter’s, uh sorry, I meant terrorist’s point of view wouldn't make it pas inception stage with the studios because BS backlash like this.

Comment Re:Paranoia (Score 1) 278

...If someone wants your shit, they're going to get it. I'll tell you all right now, I have maybe 3 online handles that pop up everywhere. I use the same basic password for each (adding a 1 to the end on occasion where it's OMG REQUIRED). I'm sure if someone started googling me, they'd find out a lot...

So, is this a challenge you are inviting...? Just saying because it seems like people have too much free time on their hands these days.

On topic to the post though, I find a (for me) good pw policy to go by for the multitude of sites out there is to have a basic password "frame" such as your hometown or whatever spelled backwards (to pass dictionay filters). This is easy for you to remember, and spelled backwards, the word is incompressible, seemingly random:

elttaes = seattle,



then you add on the frame for websites for online banking such as follows:

BOA## = Bank of America, ## = any digit(s) of numbers you like such as area code, year of birth, etc.

The password might end up looking like: elttaesBOA10

I know there are some sites that have silly PW requirements. I've seen requirements any or a combination that forbid some of the following:

- no special characters: " { ' / , @ ! etc. (escape character problems in code?)

- certain special characters ok, others not such as: @, !, %, (), * (why? hits to close to home, programming-wise? Afraid of invoking variables somehow through password string?)

- no number at end of password (this I've experienced only at financial institutions, must be an oracle DB thing?)

- no capitalization (why not...?, must be a MS legacy thing)

- not enough capital characters, too many capital characters (not sure why this is bad other than the ol' cap locks on thing)

- no all special characters (is this because of "!@#$%^&*()" abuse?)

- no repeating or incrementing, 1234... abcde... (but most likely 1!2@3#... aAbBcCdD... would be fine with such rules)

- no numbers at all (um ok...)

- too short / too long passwords

– misconfigured passphrase entry (I've been on a university SUN Unix systems where passwords were simply truncated to 8 characters; anything after the 8 legit pass phrase char, you can type wildly and your credentials would be accepted anyway.)

- then there’s keychain number thing (don’t remember what its called), biometric fingerprint, etc. in addition to password

Comment Re:TFA has a punch line! (Score 1) 711

I'm willing to bet that if his passport was scanned at an airport anywhere in North America, they (US Feds) would know and immediately detain in an interrogation room a la Swordfish/Jason Bourne style. I’m also willing to go as far to thinking that he’s a bagable asset (in the sense of unmarked van with a bunch of guys ready to jump out with zip ties and head shroud) almost anywhere else in world. The janitors have been activated in Europe via secure cell phone picture message, after emerging from their previous holding pattern consisting of lying on a hotel bed with gun in hand in Madrid, or driving their scooter randomly throughout Rome, or sitting in a shill boardroom meeting in Brussels, or giving Piano lessons to a child in Berlin.

Comment Re:Now you can literally deep six unwelcome data (Score 1) 219

Well, I for one am tired of reading about server room floodings (data center in Istambul) and welcome reading about sinking data centers in the near future. As an added bonus, I can even link to this posting.

[bookmarked for future use under /. predictions come true catagory] -- done

Comment Re:Do these H1-B stay in the US (Score 1) 209

As I've been the beneficiary of an H-1B with Microsoft, I know very well that MS also does a good job at sending H1-B permit holders back home after 1-2 years, before they get a green card. They actually paid for my 1-way ticket back to Europe. I'd be interested to see what is the proportion of H-1B visa holders who end up staying permanently in the US and which company hired them.

In not trying to read into any underlying cynicism with your post, I assume you going back to Europe, and thus forgoing the greencard process, is what you wanted.

Comment Re:Zero is a great goal even if it's unreachable (Score 1) 509

Mechanical safety features like stability control, rollover and cabin-crush-in prevention, improved air bags and seat belts, and other features increase survivability. So, can we ever get to zero fatalities and still drive on roads where other drivers have non-computer-controlled cars? No. Can we have a car that's a lot safer? Yes. Will we be able to afford it? That's the real question.

How about the physical environment in which we drive...? Sounds to me like you live somewhere in the plains, but where I live we got mountains that you can drive right of the edge to your probable death because you might have been distracted for less than one second. Sure there might be a guiderail present, but it's mostly there to make you think you got some safety... This is not to say the mountain might hurdle a boulder at you at anytime, anywhere. Let's not talk about weather conditions, or a big elk smashing trough your windshield either. All these are independent of other drivers and engineered safety devices both in car and of the roadway. I can tell you from experience that nothing makes your fancy "stabili-track, AWD, 4x4, anti-lock, whatever" vehicle technology more useless than black ice on an inclining slope with an outward banking turn.

Comment Re:They collected $75,000... (Score 1) 650

Wait...you actually have to get a freakin' license for a swimming pool on your own property?!?!?

Wow..never heard that one before.

What's next, having to apply for a license to own a fscking charcoal grill on your own patio?

I think it has mostly to do with insurance as well... If there is no license for the pool in a township/municipality that has ordinances on the books that do require permits, then you are most likely required to get the proper insurance coverage as well. I read a report of a leaking pool in California causing a small landslide that affected several houses down slope and caused several millions in damage.

No imagine if the guy built the pool without permit. I can’t an insurance underwriter would cover this without a permit in place that might at least attest to the quality stands used in the construction. What assets do you think those affected home owners are going to go after then?

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