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Comment Re:Who's next? (Score 1, Troll) 337

Dear anonymous coward,

Allow me to rephrase.

"If the unvaccinated want to get sick and die, that's their problem, and the rest of society doesn't need spend money to try to help them because they made a poor decision because of their low IQ."

"If the drug users want to get sick and die, that's their problem, and the rest of society doesn't need spend money to try to help them because they made a poor decision because of their low IQ."

"If the smokers want to get lung cancer and die, that's their problem, and the rest of society doesn't need spend money to try to help them because they made a poor decision because of their low IQ."

"If athletes want to break their neck and die, that's their problem, and the rest of society doesn't need spend money to try to help them because they made a poor decision because of their low IQ."

I hope you understand that the path you're going into is a very slippery slope and will eventually exclude everyone from having health care for some reason. Even though you're paying for said health care through insurance and/or taxes.

Comment Who's next? (Score -1, Flamebait) 337

First they came for the unvaccinated
And I did not speak out
Because I was not unvaccinated

Then they came for the drug users
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a drug user

Then they came for the smokers
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a smokers

Then they came for the athletes
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a athlete

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me

Comment Re:Memories of a time long past (Score 1) 101

You're right, it was never *just* about IT stuff. It was about IT stuff, culture+IT stuff, politics+IT stuff, ethics+IT stuff, privacy+IT stuff, and so on. Political discussions about net neutrality. Discussions about ethics in technological advancement, such as autonomous weapons. But at the heart of every topic was some technology.

Nowadays, a significant portion of the posts has zero connection to technology. Like this very post, which almost looks like it could have originated from "the Onion".

Comment No, you flipping fake news outlet! (Score 1) 190

No, you flipping fake news outlet! Mockery was NOT the reason to change the name. The people living in Fucking are actually proud of their village.

The original sources clearly state the sole reason to change the name is the constant theft of the town signs. Even after they started using special measures to lock the signs to the poles, people started to just cut off part of the pole.

Fucking is a village of about 100 people. Having to replace the signs every few days imposes a heavy cost on the small village. Some businesses may benefit from the name, but clearly not enough to outweigh the costs.

Comment Re:What percentage of Android will be patched (Score 1) 136

As I know from first hand experience (broadpwn), Samsung SGS8 will get its update in one and a half month after stock android received its patch. Samsung SGS7, SGS6 will get it in 3 months. And SGS5 (which was still for sale just a year ago) will go unpatched for so long that the few users that had one, switched to a brand new iphone.
Yup, no more samsung in my company.

Comment Re:Still No Word On Infectoin Vector (Score 2) 78

I think the 404 doesn't necessarily mean something is wrong with the WP 404 handler. It could have been generated by the malware itself with <?php header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); ?> Seeing a 404 in the logs will probably make a lot of victims believe that line was not related to the intrusion.

Comment Re:Absence?! (Score 1) 595

While you should not use NAT in 99,999% of all situations, there are still very good reasons to use NAT anyway.

For instance, hotspots usually redirect traffic to a login page, NAT is great for this. NAT can be used for transparent proxying to a regular squid proxy or a http/mail virusscanner. I've also used it to temporarily redirect traffic to work around server issues.

Therefore any serious operating system should have NAT capabilities.

Comment Re:Keeping track.. (Score 2) 137

You'll need a means of knowing that 10.20.20.x is client x and 10.20.20.y is client y. Of course OpenVPN allows you to do this but maintaining that table by hand could be a bit of a pain.

You mean like the common name of the ssl certificate used to connect in the first place? Combine this with a client-connect script to update dns and/or the ifconfig-pool-persist option and you've got a great solution.

Comment Re:Lol wut (Score 1) 128

And there is a few lines of code to convert the byte array to a mp3 file:
import binascii,re,sys
                s = re.sub('0x','',re.sub('[,\n]','',open(sys.argv[1], 'r').read()))
                print "Usage: "+sys.argv[0]+" trkNdata.h"

I think I found their lost band member: https://www.youtube.com/watch?...

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