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Comment Re:Spotify (Score 3, Insightful) 151

If an artist is trying to create something to make money then they are doing it for the wrong reason - and it most likely shows (see Rebecca Black). If as an artist you end up making money, then that's great but it should never be a driving factor in the creation process. Which is why every single artist I know (including myself) would still put their music up on Spotify even if they paid nothing at all. It's all about spreading the word, finding an audience, and most importantly people appreciating what you are doing. One person saying they enjoy your art is worth more than any money these companies pay - whether that's 0.00029c or 99c (or whatever) per play.

(This is all IMO obviously)

Submission + - An album in a month - The 2011 RPM Challenge ( 1

janap writes: In January of 2008, I discovered the RPM Challenge through an article on Slashdot. What I read was this: "Record a whole album in the month of February. Just do it!" — Yea right, as if I'm able to do that...

But, in dire need of a creative kick in the butt, I decided to throw myself at the chance to prove myself, to myself. I came out at the other end of it a changed man, and I've been back for more of the same every year since. The sense of accomplishment that this little artificial deadline you impose upon yourself carries with it upon completion is incredible, and has to be experienced. By you? Yes, why not? Anyone can come up with an excuse to say no, so don't. Remember — this doesn't have to be "the" album, all it takes is "an" album. And there's a great community of peers to draw experience from, in blogs and boards at the site. Welcome!

Comment Re:competition (Score 2) 453

I live in the EU and there are no such restrictions for H.264 use here - for example see VLCs position in their FAQ (they're based in France). The fact that over in the US you have to pay is no concern of mine or most other people in the world. Hear that sound? It's the sound of the world's smallest violin playing.

Comment Re:Put this on the list (Score 1) 357

Perhaps instead of ranting off anonymously on an Internet forum, you'd be better off growing a pair in real life and "making your own luck" as the saying goes instead of meekly accepting the comfort of your existence. You'll actually find that they are hiring, they're just not advertising. The dream job is always there and always within reach, however you don't get it just by sending off resumes into the ether, you get it through being bloody minded enough to demand it.

Comment Re:Put this on the list (Score 2, Insightful) 357

If you lose your job because of a photo posted on Facebook, you have an asshole employer who cannot distinguish the difference between your work life and private life, and you probably ought to get a new job anyway - unless the photo is of you doing something illegal, in which case perhaps you shouldn't have done that in the first place. Still finding it hard to have any sympathy here.

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