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Comment Re:You'll make up anything. (Score 1) 340

You're rationalizing, and you're not even doing a good job of it. The hugely white and male Marvel blockbusters don't count as white male representation? Because some of the characters die? What?

Spiderman, perhaps the most beloved superhero, doesn't count because his character isn't one of those "Mary Sues" you like to whine about? And I'm willing to bet you object when Spiderman isn't portrayed as a white dude.

I have no idea what you're on about with the historical movies except to complain about unnamed movies, which don't seem to exist anywhere but in your paranoid mind. You folks who incessantly whine about the "SJW"s taking over the world really need to get a grip.

Comment Re:Completely FALSE (Score 1) 840

If you don't believe Stefan Molyneux and folks of his ilk were chiefly upset about TFA because they felt it was feminist propaganda, I'm not sure what to tell you. You don't have to go full "SJW" to recognize that responses like the one to Captain Marvel are, in large part, due to a somewhat small but loud group of (occasionally self-proclaimed) reactionaries.

Comment Re:Completely FALSE (Score 0) 840

There is ample evidence that there's a dedicated group on the internet who will do exactly this sort of thing -- downvote something because it stars a woman or a black guy or whatever.

Get Out is a prime example. It had a fantastic trailer, but the usual group of idiots bombed it wherever they could prerelease because it was "racist against white people." There are people in this comment section complaining about women superheros in general, because apparently magic and technology can't outweigh lower levels of muscle mass. It's difficult to judge what's a fair reaction (Ghostbusters 2016 sucks, for example) versus reactions that based on some reactionary ideology that's far from uncommon online (The Force Awakens sucks because a lady with latent Force powers beat up a couple of guys with a space stick).

Of course, their actions are tantamount to free advertising anyway. Marvel executives are pretty pleased at the moment.

Comment Re: Our species needs to evolve (Score 4, Informative) 606

Are any of you folks whining about SJWs actually reading his presentation and CERN's statement? On slide 15, he makes a dumbass little chart to whine about someone he calls a "commisar" hiring a woman instead of him. You can't pull shit like that at any conference in any field, and that's exactly what CERN's statement points out.

If you want to prop him up as a martyr for the red-pill crowd, that's your choice. But I wouldn't recommend picking a guy who torpedoed his reputation with a shit-tier analysis of gender issues because a woman got a job instead of him.

Comment Re:Our species needs to evolve (Score 2, Informative) 606

Nope, the relevant slide is actually number 15, where he attacks a named "commisar" who hired a woman instead of him. He made a dumbass little chart and everything. It's kind of hilarious.

CERN's statement points out that such personal attacks are unacceptable. It's just plain not okay pull shit like this.

Comment Re:A way to abuse an open source project (Score 1) 588

You still hold the copyright of the code. However, you've also provided a license for using/modifying/distributing the code. In fact, the very reason you can provide this license is because you hold the copyright of the code, which gives you the ability to license it under the terms you choose. You cannot at a later date, however, revoke the license for previous releases of the software without cause outlined in the license itself or some other formal agreement. Both GPL- and BSD-style licenses are based on this idea.

It's important to understand the relationship between copyright law and software licenses.

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