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Comment Lawful Access (Score 5, Insightful) 431

I am not so concerned about the lawful access (i.e. not a secret court warrant). It's the abuse of power that continues with the executive agencies (NSA, CIA, FBI, DEA, local police, etc...) that I am concerned about. Until they are willing to stop the abuses, I have no problem making their jobs harder. Don't blame the tech companies for making your jobs more difficult. If you do it the right way, an encrypted phone won't be a problem during an investigation. A phone should not be the start and end of your case and investigation - it should only be an additional tool.

Comment Re:The one mistake Forbes keeps making.. (Score 1) 386

.. is assuming everybody is profit-motivated and is actually driven by "bringing something to market."...Why not spend some of those dividends out on the fringe? That's how progress happens: sometimes you learn something (I'm sure the driverless car initiative has had lots of implications for Maps' imaging) you didn't expect.

They are publicly held so by law they have to do what's best for shareholders. So yeah, by law, everything they do will have to be profit-motivated at some level.

Submission + - Object seen in skydiver's helmetcam unlikely to be a meteorite 3

The Bad Astronomer writes: The viral video showing what looked like a meteorite falling past a skydiver made quite a splash, with many people assuming it was true. However, further analysis shows that it's also perfectly consistent with being a small (1-3 cm) rock that fell out of the parachute itself, which is a far more likely explanation.

Comment You should leave (Score 1, Insightful) 735

Why wouldn't you? You have no guarantees that after the two Jr Devs get up to speed, they don't get rid of you (surely they are making less). The company would also have no qualms about laying you off if they need to - it's only business.

If upper mgmt were REALLY your friends, they would want what's best for you. If they are bitter about you leaving, then they are not really your friends.

Ultimately, you need to do what's best for YOU.

Head First Rails 57

Anita Kuno writes "I suggested Head First Rails to a friend before I even finished it. He was asking me questions that I didn't have time to answer, and I knew the book could explain better than I. My friend is impatient, and I was uncertain what his experience would be. At first he was frustrated, but I assured him the answers were in the book. The incremental style of Head First Rails includes some exercises that are designed to fail to reinforce the learning process. I was confident that his answer would be found in the pages and he trusted me enough to go back and continue the exercises. He later told me he is very happy with the book and grateful that I suggested it." Read on for the rest of Anita's review.

Comment How would they enforce this? (Score 5, Interesting) 68

I can't imagine any legislature would even consider this seriously since there is no way for them to enforce this except for those businesses that deal in keywords and have servers in Utah and the company only deals in Utah (i.e. not on the internet). I would think that other than that, the interstate commerce clause of the Constitution applies and they would not be able to regulate it at the state level. Is this the case? I am usually wrong so I would like someone with a better sense of the law to comment on this.
Social Networks

Submission + - Using Social Media to Catch a Predator? (

IronDuck writes: A friend and coworker of mine is in the middle of a family crisis involving the disappearance of a relative. This is the kind of thing that you always assume happens to 'somebody else' but now it has hit home. Being a net-savvy, web 2.0 kind of guy, my friend has tried to leverage the power of social media to spread the word about his missing sister-in-law. He has setup a website here and has appealed to all his contacts to spread the word. My question for Slashdot is how do you prevent an important story from getting lost in the noise of the internet? At last count, the story had 444 diggs compared to 2231 diggs for a story about having sex in space.

Submission + - RIAA Balks at Complying with Order for Documents

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: "When the RIAA was ordered to turn over its attorneys billing records to the defendant's lawyer in Capitol v. Foster, there was a lot of speculation that they would never comply with the order. As it turns out they have indeed balked at compliance with the order, saying that they are preparing a motion for protective order seeking confidentiality (something they could have asked for, but didn't ask for, in their opposition papers to the initial motion). Not having any of that, Ms. Foster's lawyer has now made a motion to compel their compliance with the Court's March 15th order."

Submission + - Judge: Pattis Santangelo Has Right to Day in Court

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: "Judge Colleen McMahon in Elektra v. Santangelo, in White Plains, NY, federal court has rejected the RIAA's attempt to dismiss "without prejudice", ruling instead that she is "entitled to have her legal status resolved one way or the other." (pdf). The judge ordered the RIAA to dismiss with prejudice by April 1st, or be ready to go ahead with a plan for the trial on April 13th. The judge rejected the RIAA's claim that Ms. Santangelo had defrauded the court, ruling that "Nothing in any papers filed by plaintiffs suggests IN THE SLIGHTEST that Mrs. Santangelo has ever perpetrated any fraud on this court." (capitals in the original)."

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