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Comment Re:So, what does that mean if it is true? (Score 1) 84

Well, they may have permission from the rights holder, which I guess amounts to authorised distribution. If they didn't, then this is copyright infringement and they could be nailed under a making available argument; though, that assumes that the rights holder would actually pursue the charges, which seems unlikely.

It is going to be interesting to see how this plays out.

Comment Re:The race is on (Score 1) 162

If you want an offline map in the Android maps app, you select an area to download and it does just that. Any area. There are size limits though.

Yes, you can still do this with the "OK Maps" rubbish (WTF were they thinking?); however, it is much less functional than the old version where you just go into the menu and click "Make available off-line". This would then show you a convenient box so you know when you have hit the size limits (it goes red when the area is too large). You could then see a list of all the maps you had saved off-line, how much data they were using, when they were cached and you could also rename them.

Measuring distance in a straight line isn't all that important.

I disagree with you there. I often want to know the distance between two points. Also the old maps (with the measure lab) let you plot multiple lines and it did a sum for you. You could then get approximate distances between any points on the map (not just for driving). It would also give you a nice graph showing ascent changes.

Another thing that Google removed was the terrain maps.

Google's war on advanced users continues.

Comment Re:One more (Score 1) 319

It's a rough question though as I have to say I'm OK with Google poking through Picasa in order to catch a real child molester.

Right, that's a fair statement and I respect your stance; however, I ask you, how many liberties would you give up to protect the children?

You say you would let Google go through your photos... What about your email? What about your documents, your phone calls, your home. How about the government bring you in for questioning once and a while, just to make sure you are a good citizen... Where does it stop? Where do you draw the line and say "no more".

Our rights are being slowly eroded away, all while politicians are waving the terrorist or paedophilia flags in front of us.

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