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Comment Re:Need more flexible 3rd party apps (Score 1) 36

Nearly all the original content on reddit comes from external sites to reddit. If the super App is getting its content from these other sites then reddit will have to adapt or become irrelevant like Myspace did. With pretty good AI in the picture now this could be easily done by a well written super app.

Comment Need more flexible 3rd party apps (Score 2) 36

The way to fix this is for the 3rd party app developers to design apps that are source site independent. For example Reddit is Fun (RIF) could become All is Fun (AIF). It could pull in content from Telegram, Twitter, Facebook, or whatever as well as it does Reddit now. The type of content pulled in should be fully user defined. That way if one site become too onerous the users could adjust the app settings to make that site less favorable in content selection.

Comment Inverse Magnatron (Score 1) 22

Seriously, this looks like a magneton laid out linearly with similar channels. The description sounds like it uses electromagnetic radiation (IR frequencies) to accelerate electrons. This is the reverse of how a standard magnetron operates where it use accelerating electrons to generate electromagnetic radiation (microwaves). Is there a cross magnetic field involved with this device?

Comment Dark matter, heavy neutrinos and anti-matter (Score 1) 274

I've seen some speculation that dark matter could be a previously unseen heavy neutrino. I also understand based on current theories there should be a lot more anti-matter than is seen now in the universe. So my armchair physics idea is there was some reaction as part of the matter/anti-matter annihilation in the early universe that converted a lot of the anti-matter into the dark matter forms of heavy neutrinos. Has this idea been pretty much ruled out already?

Comment Re:This is not a computer (Score 1) 89

A transistor is a computer. It just computes exactly one function on exactly one set of inputs. It's a simple finite state machine.

So transistor is a finite state machine is a computer. Well I've got a jar of pennies where each one is a finite state machine and therefore each one is a computer. Or else maybe they should start teaching more engineering and less computer science.

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