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Comment Re:Wait a minute. (Score 1) 430

if you know someone else has been breaking the law, /and you don't report it/, that makes you an obstruction to the law, as the guilty party may continue doing what they have been doing, making you partly guilty.

similarly, if you know that someone has been killing people, /and you don't report it/, and the person then goes on to kill more people, then you are partly guilty of letting some people get killed.

Comment Re:soon to drop Firefox, Safari and IE altogether (Score 1) 353

let's consider this a little further.

at the moment, yes, they do need to support IE, Firefox, etc., as that's what most people use.

but they're also releasing the Chromebook, which will cost only $20-$30 per month.

my post was a joke, but it is entirely possible that Google could end up with a huge chunk of the OS market.

and if history (of large corporations that end up with a huge market share) is any judge, then it is also possible that they may exploit this by gradually tightening the requirements until it is much easier to use just their products and no-one else's. It won't have to happen /tomorrow/ - but they could do it so gradually that you simply don't notice you depend on them until it's too late.

You might call all of this "abject stupidity". But to think that it cannot possible happen is utter naivety.

Comment Re:You Gotta Be Kidding Me (Score 2) 916

> That would imply that all theories, regardless of any evidence or factual basis, should be taught.

no - read it again:

> "In 2009 the Texas Board of Education said that students should be taught "all sides" of current scientific theories."

creationism is not a current scientific theory.

Comment Re:virtual hosts, money (Score 1) 665

SSL certs are not expensive - but they do cost money and also cost time to set up, and a slightly more complex server configuration. My guess is that most server managers don't know how to configure an SSL cert.

On the caching issue - yes, you /can/ have non-SSL-encrypted images embedded in an SSL-encrypted page, but that will raise alarm-bells within the browser. Browsers don't like to mix encrypted/non-encrypted sources.

Personally, I'd love it if browsers would let me embed non-SSL images, etc., within encrypted pages, but that's not the current state of things.

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