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Comment Re:apple? (Score 1) 118

I hate that I have to agree with this. I have no idea how to do anything on my Macbook from the GUI except open something in the carousel. It took me almost an hour to figure out how to attach XTerm to the damn thing so I could actually work on the damn thing. I will say it is the lightest and most powerful (for the specs) BSD machine I have.

Comment Don't work for them if you want to learn (Score 2) 294

My experience is that they have no sense of resource management.

I started with experience in both networking and database management. I had only basic Perl and BASH experience and two quarters worth of community college VB classes. They of course assigned me to Java development assignment. Where the best Java Dev I was onboarded with, he went to work on a DB project even though he didn't even what it means to normalize a database.

Over the course of two years with the company (including 3 months of technical recruiting) I would see this pattern over and over again. There was anecdotal evidence from many people with similar experience.

Long story short, I am glad to be gone. Given their promotion model, I could see it being near impossible to get promoted with TCS, but most of that is because they are such a flat company. I don't think it has as much to do with bias. It is just that the talented staff bleeds off to find real work that employs their skills and the remainder are all that is left to promote.

Comment Re:Coding leads to a life of poverty (Score 1) 213

While your story is moving, it is very difficult to read.

Slashdot supports HTML.
Not using a simple tag library to communicate your message is probably why you get down-voted.

If you are a dev, simple paragraph and break tags shouldn't be an issue
This kind of inattention to detail might also be why you aren't making the kind of money you want.

Comment Gmail is an Easy target? (Score 1) 265

Part of the reason you are seeing less spam in your personal email is because it is a smaller target.

I would have to think that spammers start every script with instructions creating as many combinations of addresses with as they can.

Then, there is exposure. How many lists have you included that gmail account in compared to the one you host?

Just a thought.

Comment Re:Why Edison is a household name and Tesla is a b (Score 2) 140

Ridiculous - by the middle of his career, Tesla was a huge showman. By the end of his career that's all he was. He hanged out with celbrities and gave light shows demonstrating electrical effects just because they looked cool. He made grandiose claims like death-rays, without any actual invention or theory to back them up.

Even Tesla needed to eat.

The parlor demonstrations Tesla would perform were to fund his theoretical research. Consequently, that research demanded customized machinery and someplace to house the experiments.

If he had focused on commercial products or had any kind of business savvy(as Edison had) he would not have had to be quite the showman.

Comment Re:On Further Examination (Score 1) 400

The problem is not that the post isn't about a relevant topic, it is that the information is almost 30 days old. We are talking about technology and not just any technology. This is a web application that affects thousands of people. There has been new information regarding this topic released almost every day. Slashdot touts itself as a news aggregator. "News for Nerds", right? Nobody is saying that the contractors or the IT folks. I think that those of us in this community that are developers have a pretty good understanding of how the government handles buying and implementing tech. What that means, is that we want to understand the meat of the issue. To hell with your politics, talk to me about the tech and how I can help fix it. Just remember that 30 days in tech is like a year in government.

Comment Polls (Score 1) 441

Did the interns take over polls?
What is up with all these youth-oriented poll questions?

Let's get back to questions that matter like "How many languages can you code in?" or "Can Cowboy Neal tango?"

Submission + - Carl Sagan on team to nuke the moon, Dr. Evil reported jealous (

novakom writes: Apparently during the cold war, one fall back position the US was looking at to ensure mutual ensured destruction was to put nukes on the moon. This would ensure that the US could retaliate against even an effective first strike by the Russians. The first step, of course, would be to detonate a nuke on the moon. And yes, Carl Sagan was on the team (and apparently leaked the info!)

Submission + - Inside An Amazon Warehouse ( 1

redletterdave writes: "In each one of's 80 fulfillment centers around the globe, Amazon relies on barcodes and human hands rather than robots or automation to find and ship the proper items in a quick and efficient manner. Without robots, Amazon utilizes a system known as "chaotic storage," where products are essentially shelved at random but are tagged with barcodes to be scanned at every step of the ordering, selection and shipping process. The real advantage to chaotic storage is that it's significantly more flexible than conventional storage systems. If there are big changes in a product range, the company doesn't need to plan for more space, because the products or their sales volumes don't need to be known or planned in advance if they're simply being stored at random. Free space is also better utilized in a chaotic storage system, and it's also a major time saver to not organize products as they come in. This system is the true key to's success in online retail."

Submission + - iTunes 11 isn't vaporware after all (

slackerfilm writes: "It looks like Apple has finally made iTunes 11 available. I was afraid this was going to be Apple's Duke Nukem Forever. I haven't had a chance to play with it yet, but I have high hopes for this refactor. This version has been touted to not be the bloated whale that previous versions were. In my opinion, large collection support is the biggest problem with iTunes and this version is supposed to be much more efficient and sleek."

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