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Comment Dumb question (Score 4, Interesting) 73

I am not a crypto wizard so I have an honest question. If I have the full equivalent of the loan in liquid assets to use as collateral, why take the loan? Why not use the already liquid assets for whatever purpose the loan is fulfilling? I take a loan when I need more money than I have available and use collateral that is less easy to liquify and the lending institution is willing to accept it.

Comment Re:Promises (Score 1) 117

Is it possible that Waymo knows this section is a dead end and they are purposely sending the cars there to practice 3 point turn algorithms? Maybe they want it to be done on a legitimate city street for realism but they want it to be sort of out of the way to reduce the chances of accidents.

Otherwise I agree with your premise. The cars would all communicate this error back to HQ and corrections would be updated practically in realtime.

Comment What planet do these people live on? (Score 1) 41

"It's like walking into a dream," Ivy Ross, vice president of design, user experience and research for design and services, said during a virtual tour. "I hope customers feel the same way. I want them to be happy and inspired, like I am being in here."

I am genuinely curious. Can someone really make a statement like that and not laugh out loud at what he just said?


Comment Worse than that (Score 4, Informative) 116

Even Microsoft in the heyday of the Windows operating system didn't demand a 30% cut of new subscription revenues from competing browsers or media players. And it didn't dictate how or when Microsoft's competitors could communicate with customers.

Yeah, it was worse than that. They extorted every PC manufacturer from installing any other OS or browser on any PC sold and therefore everyone was FORCED to use Windows. In effect, they took a 100% cut of any OS sold on a new PC. 30% looks like chicken feed compared to that.

Comment Re:Logical extension of carbon credits (Score 1, Troll) 105

The non-profit was actually able to buy more land, preserving more forest.

I think you misspelled "the Audobon society executives were able to pay themselves more money" They claim they will use it to buy more land but there is no proof they have done that. In the meantime the administration continues to draw salary.

Running a large nonprofit has to be one of the biggest gravy trains in existence.

Comment Re:Equipment is yours (Score 2) 54

Keep in mind the picture you paint can be argued to be a bit misleading. Yes, the hardware is yours to do as you see fit. Most everyone agrees with that. The problem is they crack the 3DS and other consoles and then SELL kits to do this to your own so they are making money off of the IP. That is totally different than modding your own property for your own enjoyment.

Comment Re:building subsequent plants... (Score 1) 95

Parts for one thing. If you are using a design too old, they will be calling out for stuff that does not exist any longer so you have to redesign to include the "equivalent" part available today which then cascades into everything downstream making sure it is within the spec of what the new part specs. Designing is not just making a blueprint for the building, designing means the minutieau all the way down to screws, bolts, valves, pumps, everything. You were probably just better off starting from scratch in terms of time to design in workarounds to replace obsolete parts.

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