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Comment What kind of books? (Score 1) 165

Too lazy to read the source. Does this include digital books? In the last 5 years, I've bought books almost exclusively on Kindle. I've only bought a handful of physical books. They take up no room, never get damaged, can be read anywhere (as long as I have my phone, tablet or laptop with me), they can still be lent out, etc.. There are tons of advantages to buying a digital book vs a physical one.

Comment The other search engines suck? (Score 2) 72

Google search became a near monopoly because the other search engines can't compare. When it first launched, it was far superior to the competition at the time (Altavista, Yahoo, Excite, Lycos, Ask Jeeves, etc..) To this day Google search is far superior IMO to the other search engines that exist (Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yandex, etc..). People use Google search because it gives better search results. I personally couldn't care less what default search engine is set in a brower or device; I always changed it to Google if it allowed me to, or ignored the built in search engine and go straight to google if it doesn't permit me to change the default search engine. It just works better IMO.

Comment Blizzard is limiting their market (Score 2) 62

I haven't read anything regarding this exactly, so I'm not sure if it's addressed in any way. My 10 and 12 year olds play Overwatch, and have for a couple of years. They bought the game for the XBox. Neither have a cellphone, nor will they at any time in the near future. I play Blizzard games so my phone # is already going to be tied up to use with my account. Not to mention I wonder what the legality of this requirement, due to the fact that they are minors, and that my country has very strict privacy laws, even more so for minors. So not having a cellphone means that they won't be buying battle passes. This is a really, really stupid move on Blizzard's part. I hope that falls by the wayside, like the Diablo 3 marketplace did.

Comment Re:Pretty clear (Score 1) 431

If I want to buy gas for my car, I can either pay through a credit card (for which there is processing fees). But I also have the option to pay cash, or with a debit card. I can also choose to go and buy gas at a multitude of different gas stations. Apple has 100% monopoly with the Apple store (unless you jailbreak your phone, but not gonna go there). This is probably where they are going to get in trouble.

Comment Re:Why would anyone want a console? (Score 1) 126

I genuinely don't understand why anyone wouldn't have both a PC and consoles (yes plural). I also have younger kids. Consoles are better for them than PCs (what do you mean I need a 20 minute windows update?). Their friends also are on Xbox Live or PSN. Now when Sony embraces cross platform play this will be less of a requirement, but until that day...

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