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Comment Re:Did the NSA just kill SMTP? (Score 1) 195

And it won't go anywhere at least as they are selling it now. Darkmail? Protect against the NSA? To get widespread adoption you have to sell this as security and as an upgrade not as armor or defense. You have to make Grandma an Grandpa want to have it to help stop what to there minds are hackers and spammers.

Comment Re:Great (Score 1) 289

More importantly, is the price per gig going to be competitive?

If they can't get the price down then they won't be worth it unless they can prove their disks are shelf stable for extremely long periods of time or they can get up to the terabyte range HDDs and Flash will be the better option in nearly all cases.

Comment Re:In otherwords (Score 0) 258

Building a new city as Environmentally Friendly is pointless.

You build new cities for a purpose. Usually the purpose is to house the people moving there. Designed cities always have a purpose, one example, Washington DC had the purpose of housing the Federal Government.

The way you make an eco city is you improve on current cities where you can.

Comment Re:Linus management technique works (Score 1, Insightful) 1501

Doing a fork of the Linux kernal would not be a trivial matter.

Yes STARTING a fork would be trivial but actually DOING anything with it of note is much harder as to DO have to get developers on board and you have to at least keep pace with the mainline.

To surpass it you not only have to keep within pace, or better (slightly) excel at the development you also have to SELL that fork for others to use.

So no it is not a trivial matter to replace Linus.

Comment Re:Depends on the energy source duh! (Score 2) 775

I think the greatest off-set is in the research. It might not be the electric car itself but the research into power storage and efficient electric motors will at least further engineering and give more options to engineers and scientists in the future.

In the end a green car is probably going to be a small, few-thrills, high-miles per unit energy vehicle no matter what fuel/unit energy you're using, at least for long-distance single person transport.

Real efficiency will come from mass transit.

Comment Re:Had this in the UK for years (Score 2) 276

In many ways I attribute the trend towards panopticon and surveillance state and a matter of laziness and unprofessionalism among police forces.'

A professional uses their knowledge to weigh the pros and cons of what they are doing for their client. It isn't just giving the customer what they ask for like some sort of service vending machine but actually listening to needs and desires and working to fulfill them for the client. This is a lot harder than simply doing what needs to be done to "get the job done."

Widespread surveillance and net tactics are easy to use to produce basic results of lowering crime but don't consider other aspects and duties of the job such as watching out for citizen's rights or privacy or in many cases, actually following the law.

Secrecy is used to much the same effect. You don't have to do the work of explaining if you just label it a secret.

Comment Re:Yes (Score 1) 372

Don't be so sure.

Moore's law was only formulated to last a decade or two. It's gone longer but eventually we will start hitting some plateaus of development in all likelyhood. Though we probably won't notice too soon as once faster equipment becomes too expensive to develop we'll still have a lot of room to work on faster more efficient code.

You'll know Moore's is starting to fail when companies start advertising faster code for their products.

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