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Comment Re:If you don't like it, build your own (Score 3, Interesting) 59

> just walk away.

Please continue: "just walk away and use ... instead". What, you can't think of any other option because Google and Apple are a duopoly?

Google cornered 70% or more of the market and illegally used its dominant market position to squash competition in another market - payment processing. US DoJ should use Sherman Act to go after Apple & Google for their abuse of their monopoly positions.

Comment No longer a news channel. It's a propaganda channe (Score 1) 193

I think it was mid-March this year when allegedly Iran fired missiles at a US compound in Iraq near Erbil. I saw it online and decided to get the full story the old fashioned way by turning on CNN. And surprise: they did not cover it at all. Nada. Like it never happened.

Apparently, Iran's action was not in line with Biden's new Iran deal. If it's not in line with Dem's narrative then it's not newsworthy.

Comment Re:Also, two different things at play here (Score 1) 168

My former boss made $3B a couple of years ago. He has a UK passport. The way his holdings are structured he paid maybe a couple of %% on the principal of his windfall. Then he pays taxes in the UK on what he consumes in the UK, which is less than $20M/year except for one-off purchase of some real estate. It's completely legal. But it's still tax avoidance.

Comment My own little story (Score 5, Interesting) 49

I have my own open source project, not too big, not too small. From the start we used paid gmail as our email provider, used google docs, paying something like $12/month per person. This is important: we were paying customers albeit small.

At some point we decided to try to monetize our project and created a web site. The site needed a way to contact us, so we used google's Forms for feedback: the customer fills out the form, we get an email and the request is saved to a spreadsheet. The form was simple and straightforward: your email, your name, your company, free-form text for a message. And all was fine for a while.

Each form has a little button in the left bottom corner which anyone can use to "report" the form, essentially to complain to Google that the form is somehow bad. So, someone used that button on our form. I don't know if maliciously or just for fun. Do you think google reviewed the complaint and found it completely frivolous? Do you think google informed us that someone complained? Of course not. They are google. They just closed the form without telling anyone. We found out about it from a customer why found a way to contact us through github. OK, after a quick investigation we found the form was suspended. Google graciously offers a link to appeal the suspension. We pressed it. Then again. And again. I filed that stupid appeal form 5 or 6 times. They never replied even with an automated reply. The form was never restored. So, we ripped out the crap that google Forms are from everywhere and replaced with a home-brew solution.

Google's customer service is an absolute horrible trash. They are good at automation and they treat customers as automata too. Everything is done by statistics. And they don't seem to learn.

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