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Comment Re:petty people (Score 1) 257

You make a good point, personally I am a person that will listen to music 3-4 hours each day; for me a spotify premium subscription makes perfect sense. Still I can't see the real big problem of paying 100NOK a month for instant access to all (most) of the music you want. Even if you use it sporadically that is not a bad price. And it makes sense to pay more for the option to use your mobile devices. After all, spotify is a business, and they need to make their money somewhere. It is better that they actually differentiate between "pure" PC users and those who use mobile devices as well. You get what you pay for.

In regards to norwegian beer prices; I totally agree :)

Comment petty people (Score 4, Interesting) 257

That is just ridicilous. In Norwegian money, one month of spotify membership costs less than a beer bought at a pub*: and the amount of music you have available is excellent. If they really want the radio model with advertisements and a fixed playlist - listen to a goddamn radio station. Spotify is something completely different - you have full controll over what you are listening to.

*That is for the least expensive option, where you do not have the option to use it on mobile devices. For double this, or about one and a half beer you get the added possibility of installing the spotify application on mobile devices; including offline storage to not tax your wireless data plan.


Submission + - 1978 Cryptosystem Resists Quantum Attack ( 1

KentuckyFC writes: In 1978, the CalTech mathematician Robert McEliece developed a cryptosystem based on the (then) new idea of using asymmetric mathematical functions to create different keys for encrypting and decrypting information. The security of these systems relies on mathematical steps that are easy to make in one direction but hard to do in the other. The most famous example is multiplication. It is easy to multiply two numbers together to get a third but hard to start with the third number and work out which two generated it, a process called factorisation. Today, popular encryption systems such as the RSA algorithm use exactly this idea. But in 1994, the mathematician Peter Shor dreamt up a quantum algorithm that could factorise much faster than any classical counterpart and so can break these codes. As soon as the first decent-sized quantum computer is switched on, these codes will become breakable. Since then, cryptographers have been hunting for encryption systems that will be safe in the post quantum world. Now a group of mathematicians have shown that the McEliece encryption system is safe against attack by Shor's algorithm and all other known quantum algorithms. That's because it does not depend on factorisation but gets its security from another asymmetric conundrum known as the hidden subgroup problem which they show is immune to all known quantum attacks (although the work says nothing about its safety against new quantum (or classical) attacks).

Submission + - Gestures with multitouch in Ubuntu 10.10 (

jitendraharlalka writes: "Mark Shuttleworth recently announced on his blog that the first cut of Canonical's UTouch framework is ready and will be available in Ubuntu Maverick. He goes on to reveal about the development of "touch language" by the design team. The "touch language" will allow the chaining of basic gestures to create complex gestures. The approach is quite different from the single magic gestures implemented elsewhere. In Maverick, a few Gtk applications will support gesture-based scrolling."
Open Source

Submission + - Mark Shuttleworth Announces UTouch Framework - Lin (

An anonymous reader writes: Canonical found Mark Shuttleworth today announced the UTouch gesture suite that will make its first appearance in the 10.10.10 build of Ubuntu. The code is published under GPLv3 and LGPLv3.

"There's no reason why anyone else can't ship them as well," Shuttleworth said. "There's nothing in there proprietary to Canonical," he added.

Shuttleworth explained that UTouch goes beyond standard touch frameworks by allowing users to chain a series of gestures into a sophisticated series of commands known as "gesture sentences."

Comment I am suprised (Score 1) 548

that noone has posted this yet:
It is a simple bash script with the following comments:

# Send an "I am alive" ping to Canonical. This is used for surveying how many
# original OEM installs are still existing on real machines. Note that this
# does not send any user specific data; it only transmits the operating system
# version (/var/lib/ubuntu_dist_channel), the machine product name, and a
# counter how many pings were sent.
# (C) 2010 Canonical Ltd.
# License: GPL v2 or later

simply unpack the tar.gz file and see for yourself what info it is transmitting. IMHO the whole thing i harmless.

Comment bootloader checksum (Score 4, Insightful) 376

If you are the kind of person that are in the danger zone of this happening (not that you would leave a computer with such sensitive information in your hotel room.); You would probably feel a lot better if you were able to checksum the bootloader when returning, maybe from an external usb drive. This would offcourse run it's own OS, not being done from the bootloader(for obvious reasons).

Comment ncat (Score 3, Interesting) 73

i was just about to check out ncat. Seems interesting. The only downside is that is can never reach the same critical mass as the vanilla nc, and hence you cannot rely on the more advanced functions on an unknown computer. would be cool though, SSL could be handy in some situations.

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