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Comment Scorched Earth (Score 3, Interesting) 72

Logically, this makes sense to me.

They developed "good enough" antivirals that HIV becomes undetectable. However, if you go off said meds, it eventually comes back, because HIV is *VERY* good at hiding within your immune T-Cells.

So you still take the meds until you're undetectable... then they nuke your entire immune system as scorched earth to ensure they got it all... then stick in a new immune system.

Why *WOULDN'T* this work?

Comment It *WAS* a Design Issue! (Score 5, Insightful) 139

If it is possible to hook up cables the wrong way, and doing so can lead to a catastrophic failure of thousands or millions of dollars, then said cables should have been designed in such a manner where they *CAN'T* be hooked up backwards!

Different connector shapes or whatnot, that can only be hooked up in one particular manner. Some technician is doing the hookup, not paying attention, tries to do it backwards... *AND IT FLAT-OUT WON'T CONNECT*.

Don't rely on humans. We get bored. We've done the same thing over and over, and we stop paying attention.

Comment Re:Maybe develop control systems in Linux not Wind (Score 4, Insightful) 76

In my experience, lots of factories are running Win95... maybe Win2000 if you're lucky.

I know of PLC aggregation / communication software that literally only exists on Windows, simply because that's what many factories run.

The reason for that is because the first big wave of making "smart factories" was in the late 90s.

And factories, by and large, never replace anything unless it has been fully depreciated... and sometimes, not even then.

Comment Re:Averages (Score 4, Interesting) 53

I'm most likely way too late in this conversation to get this post viewed, but I'll try anyway...

I live in the Huntsville metropolitan area (nearby, and completely surrounded, Madison).

The cost of living here is *RIDICULOUSLY* cheap. You can easily get a 1,500 sq. ft. starter-house on a half-acre of land for $120,000. Food and other necessities are, likewise, a small fraction of the average Engineer's salary.

And that's almost all there is here! Engineers. If you meet somebody new, you just kinda assume that they're an Engineer. Mechanical, Electrical, Computer, Aerospace. They're everywhere.

I bought my first house in the area just six months after finishing college. Starting salaries in the $50k - $60k range will do you just fine. And advancement is trivial if you just do your job. Either you advance in your starting job, or you can easily job-hop to any of the other tech companies in the area. Change jobs every ~5 years, and (in combination with normal salary increases) you'll easily hit 6-figures around your 10-year-mark. And at that point, you're just starting to get silly. 4,000 sq. ft. houses for $350,000 are easily affordable at that point.

And I also need to mention that almost every tech company out here offers continuing-education incentives. My first company paid for my Master's, and all I had to do was agree to work for them for 2-years after graduating. No big deal.

Long story short, Huntsville is a wonderful place for Engineers of almost any sort. I highly recommend it.

P.S. If you're still in college, Huntsville has tons of internships and co-ops programs. Do it! Graduate with a year+ of real-world experience, and it's even easier to get a job. And that company with which you co-oped is almost certainly going to make you an offer. After all, they had a year-long interview with you. They know *exactly* whether they want you or not.

Comment Re:Oh great. (Score 1) 227

In SyFy's *slight* defense, they have done some decent things recently.

I rather enjoyed the Childhood's End mini-series:

Was it 100% like the book? No. But it was pretty dang close. The acting was decent. The special effects were decent. I certainly didn't feel like my time had been wasted.

So I'm tentatively hopeful for this as well.

Comment Re:abusive monopoly (Score 3, Informative) 64

As of this past Monday, I have a 1GigE Fiber line into the house from AT&T. It's been available in my neighborhood for about 2 weeks.

The tech was extremely nice. He worked with me on where the ONT would be installed outside the house. Ended up with the AT&T-provided router sitting on an upper-shelf in the pantry. Quite convenient.

AT&T wouldn't provide any additional installation services inside the house, though. So I'm also pulling Cat6 throughout the house right now by myself.

Also, the AT&T trencher that buried the fiber-line ended up cutting my Cable line... which was inconvenient, as the Cat6 hadn't finished being pulled yet, so I was using a hybrid setup depending on where in the house Ethernet had already been run. Had to use WiFi for Legion-gaming over the weekend. Bah!

Install Tech actually gave me his cell number, and told me to call him directly if there were any issues rather than calling AT&T directly. Already hit him up once about a router-config-issue, and he answered immediately.

Speed is good. I'm getting something like 600Mb down / 400Mb up on a crappy laptop hooked directly to the router. Not sure if the non-1GigE speed is a result of ONT-distance from the GPON head, limited processor/RAM on the laptop, or what... but, hey, it's a hell of a lot better than the 30Mb that I was getting from Wow (former Knology).

And why do I have this line in my house right now? Because Google is coming in soon. AT&T just beat them to the punch. For that matter, Wow/Knology is supposed to have 1GigE service over coax in the area around the start of the new year. Everybody is racing to get 1GigE to the prem.

Competition is nice when it actually works.

Comment Re:Take Your Time (Score 5, Interesting) 256

It took me 5 years to graduate as well... because I co-oped with the same engineering company 4x times.

Yeah, I never got a "summer break" after my Freshman year, but it was *soooo* worth it.

First off, my resume showed a year+ of actual engineering work before I'd even graduated.

Second, I got to swap around every semester that I was co-oping, so I did everything from Product Qualification to Tech Support to actual software-design.

Third, the semesters co-oping got me a ton of cash. May more than I'd make working 2x semesters at minimum wage.

And as for "never having a break", work is a hell of a lot less difficult than school. You work 8-5... and then you're *free*! Go bowling with your other co-workers. Head to a movie with your new-found money. Whatever. I got more than enough "rest" during my co-op semesters.

Oh, and that company with which I co-oped? They treated their co-op program as an extended interview session. They knew *exactly* who they wanted to hire full-time after those co-ops graduated. Easiest interview I ever did. They already knew they were gonna make me an offer before I even went on-site again. It was just a question of which department wanted me the most.

Comment Re:End of the Epidemic (Score 3, Insightful) 163

Best I remember, Brooks' explanation for why your suggestion above proved ineffective is a combination of two things: 1) amount of ammunition available and 2) fear and confusion.

I absolutely agree that large-scale munitions are going to do structural damage to multiple targets. That's a given. Brooks' point was that it simply didn't do *enough* to stop a steadily-advancing horde with a large population difference between the attackers and defenders. If you have a thousand troops trying to fight off a million or more zombies, then the question becomes more about how quickly and effectively you're using those heavy munitions and are you slowing down their advance quickly enough with structural (rather than lethal) damage to keep them from overrunning your position.

Also, Brooks did keep the genre-standard of the concept of a "zombie" being largely absent from the collective awareness. Those previously-mentioned thousand troops, then, not only have to deal with the possibility of running out of ammo and not stopping the advance, but also the uncertainty of *why* their munitions seem to be so ineffective. Troops, not understanding what's going on, have their nerve break, and then you have collapsing formations and the zombies pushing a wedge through your protections.

With more experience later in the book where humans start pushing back (after years of learning what does and doesn't work), then military encounters *do* become effective with only slight modifications to their tactics. So you're speaking from their perspective, and you're right. It does work, and you can take down a massively-imbalanced zombie horde with even just a small, organized military force. But you have to know what you're doing first.

Comment Re:End of the Epidemic (Score 1) 163

Point taken.

Brooks does keep the infectious nature, however, so that's at least one possible explanation as to, "Why, then, inhabit a body at all?" If whatever the zombie plague *really* is requires an incubator, then there's your reason.

After full infection, Brooks' zombies seem to require little of the human physiology, but initial infection still requires a live human host for, effectively, reproduction.

Comment Re:End of the Epidemic (Score 5, Informative) 163

"World War Z" (the book, not the movie) by Max Brooks actually covers this fairly well.


At least in my opinion, the zombies in WWZ are either some form of alien parasite, a nanite plague, or some equivalent mechanism that facilitates some rather severe changes in the zombies' biology. The internals have largely converted to a black, tar-like substance which appears to actually be providing the locomotive force. Gun shots, stab wounds, blunt beatings, etc. just pretty much don't do anything. They're spongy, soft, and simply absorb most impacts. There are no internal organs of any importance. The skeletal structure may or may not still be there, but any injury to it simply changes their mobility slightly. Their 100% immune to any bacterial, viral, or fungal infection, as whatever they've been transmuted into isn't compatible with local microbiology, so they don't rot or decay in any way, nor are do they appear susceptible to exposure. A zombie stuck in extended sub-freezing temperatures simply freezes solid and then thaws and returns to shambling around if and when temperatures increase. Trying to burn them is just as ineffective, as their new physiology has them slowly burn off their clothing and maybe an exterior layer of semi-normal-looking skin before the interior tar-substance makes the flames go out. To paraphrase the book, napalm is useless, as all you end up with is converting a bunch of slowly advancing zombies into a bunch of slowly advancing flaming zombies. And something else that the book goes into detail concerning is the complete and utter lack of fear. There is no such thing as using "shock and awe" tactics on something that literally doesn't care if it dies (since it's already dead anyway). The "Battle of Yonkers" shows this quite clearly, with the military using traditional tactics including large-scale artillery while the horde just continues advancing. A bomb might blow off a zombie's legs and throw it 20 feet to the side, but then the top half just starts clawing towards you again. Then you have the scale issues, as the numbers of infected eventually get so bad that those stuck up on the ISS can see them from space on the Midwest plains ebbing and flowing like herds of buffalo before Western colonization. And finally, you have the "call for help". The book describes the zombies calling to each other whenever "food" is located. And what's worse is that that sets off a chain reaction. Any zombie that hears a call-out will then call out again, so you have an ever-growing network effect where even just one zombie spotting you may be catastrophic. This lead to any roadway being a certain death trap. People would starve to death or dehydrate while trapped in their cars surrounded by zombies. The zombies never got to them, but then the person who died inside might become a zombie from latent infection. That car-trapped zombie then just became a standing warning signal. If somebody passed what appeared to be a deserted car on the road, and the trapped zombie noticed them, then it would call out, and any zombie in ear shot knew that dinner was served.

Tying this back to the original military-force problem, basically any military engagement would, therefore, draw enough attention that you were guaranteed a mass wave of them in a relatively short time frame. Combined with their nigh-invulnerability where literally *nothing* but a head shot was effective, and the military would simply run out of ammunition before they'd come close to dealing with the immediate threat.

Now I'm in no way saying that most zombie descriptions even come close to some of these details. And it's my understanding that Max Brooks' goal was to specifically modify the zombie milieu to account for any unbelievable aspect such as your assertion of military force being effective. So, yeah, in most cases you're right that artillery would probably work just fine. But if you're looking for somebody to try and actually make a *working* description of how a zombie plague might actually beat us, then try out the book. Avoid the movie, IMHO. It completely glosses over 90% of what I described above, which made it a standard, unbelievable scenario, unfortunately.

Comment Compiler Vulnerability (Score 2) 255

Is Australia planning on building their own code from that source?

Because how would they know that what they were running was actually the source code they were provided?

And would Australia even be interested in jumping through that extra hoop considering that there are other vendor options available where Australia feels this isn't necessary? The price difference between Huawei and other vendors would have to be fairly sizable to warrant that.

Or, even more insidious, I've heard of the possibility to include backdoors via the compiler rather than via the source code.

Quote from that article:
It is also possible to create a backdoor without modifying the source code of a program, or even modifying it after compilation. This can be done by rewriting the compiler so that it recognizes code during compilation that triggers inclusion of a backdoor in the compiled output. When the compromised compiler finds such code, it compiles it as normal, but also inserts a backdoor (perhaps a password recognition routine). So, when the user provides that input, he gains access to some (likely undocumented) aspect of program operation. This attack was first outlined by Ken Thompson in his famous paper Reflections on Trusting Trust (see below).

If Huawei's code requires anything more than generic gcc, Australia may not be able to verify 100% security, regardless... unless they're given the source code to the compiler as well.

Long story short, this just seems like a huge hassle that Australia is probably going to avoid anyway.

Just my 2 cents...

Comment No, no it couldn't... (Score 4, Insightful) 30

I hate to be a pessimist, but it's my understanding that there's no real technological hurdle that needs overcoming in terms of getting a strength-assist exoskeleton.

Sure, some fine tuning. You know, making sure that it doesn't break the user's bones and all that. But nothing too technically complicated.

It gets slightly more complicated if you're wanting a pure machine-brain interface rather than it being controlled through some other arrangement. But we've seen stuff like this already. The brain adapts well to new stimuli, and I'm sure somebody will get all the kinks worked out of that at some point not too far away.

The problem, as far as I'm aware, is with the power source. Battery technology has been stuck at roughly the same point for decades now. The weight to power-concentration ratio just isn't there.

So unless this story is actually about Nasa figuring out coke-bottle-sized cold fusion, then (unfortunately) go read this post's subject line.

Comment Re:Tenure (Score 1) 356

Here's what I don't understand: Why is tenure necessary? What is different about academia such that teachers require "protection"?

And if someone does choose to respond to my post, please keep the vitriol down. Both of my parents were high school teachers. I've been around teachers for an extremely long time. I understand that they work much longer hours than just regular school hours. I understand that they take money out of their own pockets for school supplies. I know all the hardships. That's fine.

So, I repeat: What is different about teaching such that it requires tenure?

I live in a "Right to Work" state, i.e. a "we can fire you for any reason and, as long as we don't tell you that reason, you have no legal recourse" state. Everybody I know functions in this *absolutely no protection* environment, and we all do fine. Sure, sometimes somebody gets screwed over by the system. But in general, skilled labor is required to fill most positions such as engineering, software development, etc. Businesses don't just go off and clear out their entire staff on a whim, even though they can, because it would be disastrous for the business.

How is the same thing not true for teaching? You keep the good teachers. You fire the bad teachers. You get on with life.

You can even feel the tone of the original submitter. How there is an implicit denunciation of the firing of academics. But if you switched out the profession and said, "100 software developers were fired for not meeting coding deadlines", would anybody here even bat an eye?

I just don't get it. And, seriously, if I'm missing something, please explain it to me.

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