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Comment Cultural milestone (Score 1) 211

Whether or not the non-capitalization is accurate is beside the point. If one of the most laggard, lame, and clueless group of people - journalists - have decided that the internet or web is no longer new, and therefore no longer "cool", then the spirit of the media-manufactured "Strange New World of the Internet" from Time's July 25, 1994 cover is officially dead. There can be no more doubt that browsing the web has the same level of awe and sophistication as a meth-addled trailer parker watching Perry Mason reruns at two in the afternoon. This is more or less the death knell of any pretense that being on the web instead of the teevee is somehow better.

Comment Re:Work Environment (Score 1) 158

If SPE fires talented people with a long tenure of service and puts them at risk of homelessness because reasons, then yes, I would say they probably are a bad company to work for, which is why I will not purchase any of SPE's products ever again. I will also favor changes in policies to give workers who are fulfilling their duties in the private sector more (not absolute) job security through concrete actions via lobbying officials at opportune moments and contributing capital to political movements that align with this goal.

It does not matter what I post on Slashdot. It matters (to a small degree) what I do off of Slashdot.

Comment Re:Play to loose? (Score 1) 199

America's Army was released free to the public. I would imagine this game would be as well, coming from the Ministry of Communications (which strangely does not have a website).

Cuba itself just hosted on IP conference. Here's the program, and here's a snippet of it:

Tuesday, March 19, 2013
9:05 - 10:30
Challenges of Protecting Intellectual Property on Social Networks (Software Industry)
Rafael Ortín, Marquez, Henriquez, Ortin & Valedon,
Slobodan Petosevic, Petosevic, Belgium

This says nothing about Cuban intellectual property law, but it indicates that they at least host conferences where foreigners talk about how software IP is a thing that needs protecting. If Cuban programming takes off as a commercial industry, will there be penalties for copyright infringement? We'll probably know when those sort of cases start coming up in Cuban courts (if they ever do). Until then, I have no idea.

FWIW, Ho died in 1969, six years before the fall of Saigon, but that might not stop some game designer from having a player assume his likeness in a similar game anyway.

Comment Re:Can't blame them? (Score 3, Insightful) 157

Indeed. When everyone expects human greed and disregard for the public good to rule businesses, then businesses will meet that expectation. Public policy is supposed to be a check on that, but the first line of defense consists of decision-makers in business remembering back to some very basic lessons they were taught in the home and in kindergarten; the "sharing is good" and "be nice to others who aren't like you" kind.

Comment Re:They were destroyed in the 1970s and 80s (Score 1) 384

Well then, I guess we in the States will just repeal the minimum wage, worker's comp, overtime pay, OSHA, and a whole host of policies that make it more expensive to hire people. We apparently haven't raced to the bottom quite fast enough. Why, it's a wonder we don't have 30% unemployment if what you're saying is correct.

Oh no, it's not the extreme boom-and-bust cycle unleashed by inadequately regulated finance capitalism or the concentration of wealth into too few hands that caused unemployment. No, it just happens to always be those policies that assist the average worker. Gee, what a convenient coincidence.

Comment Re:They were destroyed in the 1970s and 80s (Score 1) 384

That's all well and good for tools, but I haven't found any manufacturers of smartphones that aren't also sweatshops. Until that changes, I'm proudly going without one and letting the hypocrites know that. Then hopefully they'll feel enough shame so that they'll do one of two things:

1) Never complain about sweatshops ever again because they're complicit in it and don't want to be hypocrites. Then they'll go on to the afterlife and have to answer to whatever diety(ies) exist on why they just HAD to have that iPhone when they knew full well why it was so cheap. Then they'll hem, haw, and stutter because they've been had, and then the diety(ies) will shake their head(s) and kick them back down to earth for a do-over because their ethics were lacking and maybe, just maybe, they'll get it right the next time. While emotionally satisfying, this is not my optimal outcome.

2) Actually stop buying smartphones and other products made in exploitative conditions and demand that manufacturers clean up their act. Then they'll buck up and pay a higher price tag, and the workers will have a better life. Oh, the consumers will complain about the prices, and they'll resent the fact that they can't buy every shiny new gadget on the shelf now, but they'll have done the right thing in the end.

Comment Re:Braindead justice (Score 1) 596

What in the world would giving out free movie tickets to a 12-year-old at my house prove, other than I like giving out movie tickets? You need more details in your example to make a guilty verdict likely; say, "You have to come inside my bedroom to get them, while I'm in my underwear, and be sure to wear something low-cut and revealing." Then we can start talking about establishing intent to facilitate commission of an offense without actually uttering the magic words, "Let's have sex!"

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