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Comment Not going back to OS 8/9 thank you... (Score 1) 170

I spent enough time with; -OpenDoc -Desktop Printing -Chooser -Extension Manager -Cleaning out corrupted preferences -Playing with RAM allocation for Adobe apps for clients -PPP dial-up accounts with hacks No thanks. I don't think my fingers have ever healed from putting memory into the PPC 7100s or 8100s and getting continually sliced-up. Ugh! Bad memories indeed.

Comment Re:Verizon turned down the iPhone (Score 1) 237

///The iPhone is really about the only reason to consider them as a network.///


I was on Verizon for years and prior to them I was on Sprint in the San Francisco Bay Area. I moved to the iPhone and AT&T because of the iPhone and very happy I did because the iPhone is amazing. It is better than any Palm, Blackberry or other phone I have had but the AT&T service BLOWS!

There are a lot of bad areas in San Francisco for AT&T that Verizon's coverage was solid in. The other CONSTANT frustration is when I call other iPhone/AT&T users and get dropped ALL THE TIME!

Horrible = AT&T

Comment Increase HD capacity in three steps (Score 1) 546

1. Buy a Black Sharpie(TM) pen (the thin sharpie would be best in my past experience). 2. Locate the reference to the drive size on the manufacturers label located on the top of the drive enclosure (typically in GB). 3. Gently (as to not damage the disk platter below the label and enclosure) using the Sharpie(TM) cross out that number and replace with the desired capacity above or below the factory stamped capacity. NOTE: depending on how the drive manufacturer has detailed the size on the label, you might have space above the factory size reference or below the reference.

Comment Terry Childs should get a Tron suit... (Score 1) 498

Like the Tron guy (you know the guy who made his own budget tron suit). I think I would be cool with Terry if he wasn't such a putz or a-hole and he had a tron suit on or something nutty when they brought him to jail. Overall, he gives people the sysadmin stereotype they all want - hostile, paranoid and a jerk, so it got a lot of play in the media. It is frustrating because many of us fight this stereotype constantly and make huge gains only to have a Terry Childs attitude reinforce the negative stereotype of a sysadmin who does not have a sense of who and what he is working for. Yet, even with all of that, I think if he could get in a Tron suit of some sort, I would give him another shot and it could twist the stereotype into a crazy geek rather than an asshole geek.

Submission + - SCO drops plan to sell Unix business

Stony Stevenson writes: The SCO Group has dropped plans to sell its disputed Unix business to a private investment group. The company, which has filed for Chapter 11 protection, earlier this month asked the bankruptcy court for permission to sell assets related to its Unix software and mobile technology businesses to York Capital Management for $36 million. SCO on Tuesday withdrew the request, according to a brief document filed with the District of Delaware bankruptcy court. SCO did not provide a reason for the change of heart.

Submission + - Virtual servers introduce new security threats (

bednarz writes: "IT managers worry that security attacks designed to exploit a hypervisor could infect virtual machines that reside on the same physical host, in what is known as a "virtual-machine escape." If a virtual machine is able to "escape" the isolated environment in which it resides and interact with the parent hypervisor, industry experts say it's possible an attacker could gain access to the hypervisor, which controls other virtual machines, and avoid security controls designed to protect the virtual machine. "The Holy Grail of security in the virtual world is to bounce out of the [virtual machine] and take control," said Burton Group analyst Pete Lindstrom."

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