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Comment Re:No surprises there (Score 1) 343

-Most people don't live in sub-zero temperatures.

If you are counting the world population, then sure, but most of the world can't afford any sort of car, let alone a brand new EV. However, the US median center of population is above the 38th parallel. They most definitely see sub-zero temps on a regular basis.

Comment Re:What! (Score 1) 123

We had a solar water heater system back in the 80's. I live in Southern New Mexico. It worked great year round for about 7 years, then the hard water got the better of it. We got our moneys worth out of it, but only just.

I suspect like most technology, things have improved over the years. I would consider another system to replace the current NG system when it fails.

Comment Re:What is the reason for old glibc? (Score 1) 47

Oof.... OK, tell me I am old without actually telling me I am old.

I switched over to Linux full time back in 2004. Have been playing with it since 1995. I was referring to the constant upgrades that came in disk form. Yes, people really did switch over to Linux for the very reason that we were tired of Microsofts constant upgrades. It was the nickel and dime effect for those of us on a limited budget. Don't get me wrong, They were making great innovative leaps in computing back then. But purchasing a new OS every year was just another added cost of computing.

Comment Re:What is the reason for old glibc? (Score 2, Insightful) 47

One of the early reasons for switching to Linux was the fact that M$ continually forced upgrades on people. Linux allowed people to continue to utilize older hardware without all the bloat. It seems to be less of an issue as of late. Probably because what we now consider to be older hardware can still run the newest software.

Comment Re:Ownership (Score 4, Informative) 203

Oh, give it a rest. 150 million were executed because of totalitarian dictatorships, not because they were atheist. There are plenty of examples of atheist countries that don't murder millions of their citizens. Both Sweden and Japan come to mind. Japan is 86% atheist. Sweden is 78%.

Comment Re:Hope they have to uninstall... (Score 0) 100

I know that most on here like to bash the end user, but there are valid reasons for getting rid of all that emissions crap. After doing the DPF delete and the EGR bypass, my truck went from 11 mpg to 18 mpg. Mind you I am not one of those "Roll Coal" types. I just wanted better fuel mileage.

Comment Re:Wat (Score 1) 42

I put this in the same category as States trying to implement gun control. They need to step away. Both the First and Second Amendments need to be left alone by the States. They are both well defined by the Constitution. That's not to say that Tik-Tok isn't dangerous. I am all for letting people know of the dangers of using such an ap. However, Caveat Emptor.

Comment Re:For all the deniers on here... (Score 1) 219

You don't have to be a denier to not fall into the FUD trap. Even the IPCC says that a runaway scenario isn't going to happen. The rest is just pick the spaghetti graph that suits your desired level of fear. Humans will either adapt or die. I don't worry about starving children in third world countries, so I am not going to worry about climate change. This isn't denial, just facing the reality of it all.

Comment Re:Tarballs Aren't From Climate Change (Score 1) 53

The oceans have always been the largest impact on the world's climate. The article does point to this being an increase in algae. I suspect this is a reaction to the amount of CO2 build up in the atmosphere. Color me crazy, but I would consider that a good thing. Nature helping to take care of the problem.

Comment Re:Dangerous comment (Score 2) 365

One of the jobs of the SCOTUS is to determine if the president's actions are constitutional or not. It's commonly referred to as "Checks and Balances." This is not legislation from the bench. If Congress wants to fund such an activity, they have the power of the purse and can undo the decision of the SCOTUS. Again, checks and balances.

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