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Comment Re:Huh? (Score 2) 26

What's "so special" abou this is that Getty is one of the largest single copyright holders in the world and they know the licensing status of every piece of media in their collection, so any AI trained on those images is guaranteed liability-free for their clients."

the monetization schema is bullshit - it looks like the tiktok model where there's a giant pool of money split between all the creators every year with the size of that pool determined by "business growth" (ie in a way that prioritized the business and hands the remains to the creators) PLUS bits of the youtube model of constantly shifting goals and targets to keep planning ability for its creators at a minimum - but if you want to know why this AI that rips off artists is "better" than the rest, that's why.

ARS' spin is fucking gross, nothing in the actual article says anything close to what that headline is implying.

Comment Re:The study was on obese people. (Score 1) 184

Studies still show lower quality of life in old age for people who are overweight (or more specifically, obese - not just morbidly so, but regular old obesity) in middle age. Overweight people fared "just fine" in limited studies of overall longevity, which are heavily complicated by conflation with the chronic underweight status typical of people with severe long-term or terminal illness.

The overweight people were better off in aggregate than, say, the skinny people dying of cancer or suffering through chemotherapy, but not better off than people who were a healthy weight and didn't have a complication like cancer.

So YMMV. The evidence overall says that while being overweight is not something to panic about or damage yourself trying to undo, and while you can live a mostly healthy life even if you're overweight, it's basically objectively better, in a vacuum, to NOT be overweight.

Comment Not only right, it's important (Score 4, Insightful) 257

In what era of human history before now have we had such thorough and widespread documentation of events both wonderful AND tragic. All those camera angles, all those photos, all that video and audio: it's hard to cover something up. Hard to hide evidence. Hard for police to quietly murder a black man and sweep it under the rug.

A person who videos INSTEAD of rendering aid, when their aid is needed, is a shithead.

But what do you expect? 100 people to all somehow help? We naturally now stratify into helpers and documenters. Both are important.

Comment You described a Web Page or an App (Score 2, Informative) 148

What you described is not an ebook, and there is no good reason to overload "ebook" with all of what you intend.

A web page or dedicated app is what you want. Make a phone app and/or a web site with a modern framework. Most people have tablets/phones, which will already render and interact with those formats just fine.

E-readers are specialized and limited devices that have a shrinking, not growing, user base. Tablets are surpassing them rapidly. There is literally no good reason to do what you are trying to do with any "ebook" format.

Comment Regulation was a long time coming (Score 1) 174

Sports are regulated. Sports betting is regulated.

eSports WILL be regulated. Fantasy sports betting WILL be regulated.

It's a sign of maturity when regulation comes down. This is a milestone, though the existing model will be shaken up. Great lecture from PAX on the subject:

Comment See who changes their password in the coming weeks (Score 2, Insightful) 146

If I were interested and had the access, I'd keep a log of anyone who changed their password on any system that I owned in the next couple weeks.

I wouldn't do anything with that data. But I'd keep it. If anything interesting happened later, and I could correlate an account on AM with an account on my system that changed its password shortly after this news broke... Well, that data could be interesting.

Data isn't dangerous. Looking at it and then looking at related information is.

Comment He chose Democrat because reasons (Score 4, Informative) 281

The original superpac was strictly non-partisan. However, it turned out that almost zero Republicans wanted anything to do with him, it, or campaign finance reform. So in practice, only Democrats supported the idea. The Republicans MAYDAY reached out to actively oppose campaign finance reform...

There really aren't viable candidates on the national stage outside of our two main parties. The vast majority of other parties are extreme fringe single-issue parties, and most of them are far right-wing or deeply religious. The only two parties that come even close to being worth mentioning are the Green Party and the Libertarian Party. The former can't get nationally elected, and the latter has caucused with the Republicans for over a decade now.

Comment Normal people have no way to know that (Score 4, Insightful) 394

Normal people don't know what applications are or how to install them. They click blindly, like newborn infants, until Microsoft Word appears, and then they express whatever it is in them that drove them to this extreme. Outlook is a gateway into a magical world of 576,442 unread emails and 500,333 unsent drafts. The "fix it" button on the front of the machine usually works, but sometimes doesn't. Their grandson tells them to stop hitting that button, but he's into voodoo and something called Mimecraft, so what does he know?

Comment Electric is Evolution. Driverless is Revolution (Score 5, Insightful) 904

The move to electric is a natural evolution, and will have a significant impact. The economies of scale in terms of pollution mitigation at power plants will utterly dwarf anything cars have ever been able to do themselves, transmission losses nonwithstanding.

Even if they only displace urban drivers (fewer per-trip miles, more population density facilitating more charging stations), the impact will be transformative. Watch the AQI loop around New York, and you can see air pollution rising and falling along the commuter roads into the City in lock step with the morning commute. I can't even imagine a New York with 50-80% fewer gas-powered cars on the road.

But that's still just evolution. Electric is just a natural step.

Driverless cars are the revolution. Electric makes existing car use patterns better. Driverless makes an entirely new paradigm. It may eliminate mass car ownership. It might eliminate parking lots. It might eliminate light rail in suburban areas. Taxis. Deliveries. Shipping. Police reponses.

Electric makes things better in well-projected ways. Driverless changes everything forever in ways we can't yet even imagine.

Comment MMORPGs aren't any of those things anymore (Score 1) 75

Massively Multiplayer
Role Playing Game

That's the initialism (it's not an acronym unless you pronounce it like a word.. Mumorpuguh?). But those words aren't what we should be talking about. The magic is in MASSIVE gaming experiences. MMOs fell far short of being anything more than the logical extension of MUDs and their kin. We keep building out and optimizing in a line forward from those expectations.

At the same time, that polish means we increasingly cast off the quirky, unique, or memorable experiences that the older MMOs did provide (even if they did so mostly by accident).

Here's a lecture from some years ago on the subject:

I still stand by everything I said then.

Comment Investing in a good PC pays off (Score 1) 558

I built my current rig in 2009, investing heavily in forward-compatibility for upgrades. The investment payed out more than I could ever have imagined.

In 2009, the PC was:

Intel Core i7-920 (2.97GHz)
6GB RAM (six DIMM slots, three used)
32GB SSD (for the OS)
512GB HD (files and stuff)
Current-gen video card @ ~$250 price point

Now, in 2015, all I've done is:

1. Add two larger SSDs
2. Upgrade the video card - currently a GTX770
3. Double the RAM (hell yeah six DIMMs)

The rig is perfectly capable of editing 4k video, playing most games just fine, rendering, and doing basically everything I need. Only now, probably at the end of the year, will I even consider a new rig. The motherboard's lack of USB3.0, the memory speed, the old PCIx standards, etc..., are finally reaching their limits.

I plan in 2015 to build a computer that I will use at least until 2022.

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