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Comment Re: The honorable thing (Score 1) 228

If only they had the communication skills to write a brief, concise, persuasive email stating their position and what Google could do to remedy the problem. They need only convince the board to change Google's behavior, and even if they failed, they would at least still have their jobs. Now they have not only failed to change Google's behavior, they've lost their jobs as well.

Comment The honorable thing (Score 4, Insightful) 228

The honorable thing to do when you don't agree with the ethics of your employer is to resign in protest, rather than be fired for being a nuisance.

The former says that you have uncompromising integrity in how you act in all areas of life, and are willing to make personal sacrifices to do the right thing, while the latter suggests you're a bit unhinged and a potential nightmare employee.

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