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Comment Re:It's not about the cost, it's about convenience (Score 1) 368

I am not even sure where to being. First, I doubt that you even have a wife, nor that you use iTunes for anything other than being able to say you have it installed. You have an iTunes account setup, you have your payment information already setup. Then I find the album and buy it. At most, I have to type my password again. Done. Oh, about running SoundConversion? All of iTunes music is now DRM free. All I have to do is tell it to export to MP3 with a right click on the album, from iTunes. And the artists (and distributers) get paid.

TPB, find the album, hope it isn't a honeypot for anti piracy, a joke with the wrong music, or an old link no one is uploading anymore. Then download it. And no one gets paid.

Sorry, TPB is not all that much easier, and in fact, I would say with the unreliability of some of the non-popular music/movies, it is worse.

Comment Re:meanwhile (Score 1) 342

Then why have income tax? Then there should ONLY be a sales tax. However, what this opens up is exactly what is going on... Move money over seas where there is little to no regulation/tax and now you can operate virtually tax free. Foreign countries and the corporations win. Sounds like a bad idea to me.

Comment Re:Why find new jobs? (Score 1) 307

Who pays for the technology that replaces all those old jobs? Who pays for the maintenance and up keep? Though the technology does replace certain niche jobs, it does not replace all jobs. Until we can create what ever we want, food, clean water, gadgets, etc... just like replicators in Star Trek, you will always have a labor force. And just like any organization, you need leaders to provide direction, you need people to do the work and you need people to do the support work that has nothing directly to do with the job at hand.

Comment Re:Windows 8 (Score 1) 727

Please enumerate in detail exactly how Windows 8 has handed Linux an opportunity on a silver platter. I am not a windows appologist, but at the same time, I do have a Windows 8 machine. It works. I do not have any issues with it. I use it for my gaming rig, home development for Java and Python, and random office use and browsing thrown in for good measure.

I have no issues using it, and it works well. Did I make tweeks to the UI to have it do exactly what I want? Sure, but who doesn't tweek those settings? I go right to the desktop. I can use all my old programs from XP and 7 without issue. My old hardware devices work.

So I am interested in exactly what you see as broken in Windows 8 that is handing Linux this platter?

Comment It is a wonder... (Score 3, Insightful) 303

It is a wonder Linux has such an image problem with anyone, but the converted. Granted this article may not be the best, but let's do a quick google search for the actual article that the poster is refering to:


David Bolton talks about what he did. Good or bad, he documents it and shares it with his readers.

What do I read here, explatives, degrading remarks, and just plain snobbery. Here and there are some useful remarks. What I was hoping is to read a helpful discussion on what he recommends/did and what could be done better and how. There is so much vitriol to sort through, I don't even bother.


Comment Re:stagnation due to saturation (Score 1) 180

No, I just believe that eventually those that stop growing, adapting and changing will eventually be left behind. It is in a way of never-ending, unlimited growth. Those that replace the stagnate company continue to grow until they themselves are left behind.

Apple is a classic example of a company that turned that around, dramatically. They were almost left behind, being given money by Microsoft just so Microsoft could claim that they are not a monopoly.

Now it is RIM's turn to show that either they need to move on or turn it around and convince us why they should stay.

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