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Comment Re:They have it backwards (Score 1) 472

They indeed have it backwards. It might not be impossible, but it is indeed highly impractible to travel interstellar. Sure, we can send some probes that take fifty years to even leave our solar system. But sending humans requires sending a closed, sustainable ecosystem that has to be able to go on for millenia before reaching nearby stars. Such an ecosystem will have a huge mass that will use a lot of Earth's resources to just give it escape velocity. And since there is no economic benefit of such an endeavor for any currently living person, what is the point?

Comment Re:Debian solved this already (Score 1) 44

But Debian is definitely working on getting there: Root access can indeed be a problem, but it's hard to install and maintain a distribution that runs on bare metal if it doesn't have root access somehow, and there is such a variety of things packages do that it is not easy to come up with a solution that doesn't involve executing code supplied in a package as root and works for everything.

Comment Re:BankID (Score 1) 66

Having used BankID myself, I can tell you that the Linux version never worked well, but neither did the Windows version (I had one of those Gemalto NCR1 card readers that you had to connect to your computer via USB). The Mobile BankID app is a big step back in security. The Norwegian BankID system is much better; you still have a hardware token with a PIN code, but you don't need to connect it to your computer.

Comment Ikiwiki (Score 2) 222

It's a wiki compiler, which makes it a lot more secure than CMSes which render pages on the fly. It looks very bland right out of the box, so you need to do some CSS work. But it has many plugins, supports different kinds of markup languages, and can be easily extended (if you know Perl).

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