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Comment Re:Don't do it (Score 2) 151

Don't forget buying puts. Instead of exposing directly by shorting stock, you can buy puts to obtain a similar position for a (typically, but not always) portion of what a real position would cost. Unless you're an Ape, then you just YOLO. Honestly, after watching GameStop, I'm tempted to buy some calls, just in case a million apes decide to throw mom's savings into it.

Comment If you've never been a picker in a warehouse (Score 1) 58

You should try it just for the experience. Typically the pay isn't that great, warehouses not climate controlled so in the South, brutally humid and hot summers wear you down physically AND mentally, making mistakes more common. You are rated on your order pull numbers and constantly threatened with replacement if you can't keep your numbers up, benefits are usually slim to none, and yes, injuries were common. Saw a guy get buried under some heavy ass shit that fell over while I was trying to climb it and he was fired for it for "Ignoring safety standards that required him to get help" while simultaneously being responsible for his pull-rate and getting help would negatively effect the other person's pull rate, so basically the work environment dictated that if you follow the rules, you get fired for non-performance, but if you don't, you get fired if you get injured... I did this for 3 months during a summer and chose to just get reprimanded for my pull-rate degradation because fuck it, I got one body and I could always get another warehouse job because turnover was so high. The job sucks. On the other hand, it really made me appreciate being an office drone where my biggest enemies were status conferences, sprint planning meetings, and constantly changing requirements.

Comment Re: University? so must buy suit and tie from them (Score 4, Funny) 203

I used to work in an office that was very laid back. I usually wore chinos/jeans and a t-shirt + hoodie, which was decidedly upscale for the office. Anyway, on one random day I wore shorts and my boss came in and said "You need to dress for the position you aspire!" and at that exact moment our CTO walked by in board shorts, hoodie, and slides. I just pointed at him and went back to work.

Comment Re:Nobody asked for this. (Score 3, Interesting) 335

Right. Look, in theory I think it'd be good to put in a load of laundry while I'm doing something else and getting an alert that the load is done or almost done (especially for things that wrinkle easily). Right now I set a timer on my phone and that works well enough. BUT, I'm also wary of:

Over-the-air updates that brick my fucking device (official or hack).

Suspiciously timed "malfunctions" that require costly service, unnecessary maintenance, and/or replacement (thanks, inkjets for this business model)

Etc etc.

Look, for a dryer, I could see someone integrating something like Zojirushi's 'fuzzy logic" that they use for rice cooking to determine drying times, etc (why keep running when the clothes are dry?) Or even doing something like, if you don't want to leave wet clothes in a washing machine all day while you're at work being able to turn on the load thirty minutes before you get home from work. And on TVs, I find the smart "experience" slow, laggy and deeply unsatisfying when it takes a minute just to switch from the main screen to Netflix that I'm more apt to just use my Playstation or get something like the FireHD, etc.

But, largely, I DGAF about these features enough to pay extra, that's for sure.

Comment Re:He blames everything but the Metaverse (Score 1) 183

That's not quite true. Twelve year old me back in the 80s thought the idea of Cyberspace/Metaverse was going to be awesome. Forty-nine year old me wonders wtf was wrong with 12 year old me, though. It was basically an introvert's wet dream, being able to socialize without having to actually socialize. But then we get shit like Second Life and it's basically "oh. this is fucking lame." There's no killer app for VR yet. No business use case that can't be fulfilled with Zoom already.

I think VR is going to take off based on something mundane, something completely out of left field, from some kid in his dorm room done on a lark. It must chap suck's ass that it's going to be something like Minecraft VR that's going to whip him.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 62

Not only that, but as a producer's tool it can be very useful. MF Doom had one of these and he was on the road a lot. He told how he was in Brazil and was hitting up their record stores/thrift stores and had something like this and would just go back to his hotel room and sample them into his SP-303? and make tracks with them. Very small footprint, carry-on with the SP 303 and could just keep working. I think RAID is probably the most famous of his tracks that he did with this method.

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