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Comment Re:Although unused, not useful (Score 1) 213

I think they would get the exemption. All to often business interests win out. I wouldn't be happy with it, but it's how I expect the issue will play out. At this point, we're talking a lot of ifs, since I'm not even sure this whole drone thing is feasible or practical. It's certainly interesting and raises quite a few discussion points. Maybe I'm just cynical for thinking that business interests will win out in this case.

Comment Re:Virgin airspace (Score 1) 213

I think it's safe to say that drones are not going to be shot down over a city without drawing a lot of unwanted attention. You don't commonly see people out shooting in public, and those very few who do are quickly dealt with. There is also an impractical side to shooting them down, you'd need to know the flight paths and schedules and then camp the flight path if there is no set schedule. Someone is going to report a man sitting on his porch with a shotgun, at least in Canada anyway. As another poster pointed out, it's just posturing for anyone to say they are going to shoot down the drones. Before anyone counters about shooting them down out in the countryside, it would be impractical and I don't think Amazon will use drones for rural delivery.

Comment Re:Although unused, not useful (Score 1) 213

Noise exemptions are made for businesses. Here in my city, contracted snow removal received a noise exemption in order to do private snow removal from commercial lots after midnight. Local residents fought against it because the noise is horrible, but the city said it was impractical to remove the snow during business hours.

Comment Re:Disaster Recovery? (Score 1) 167

I don't know of any school boards in my province that pay so little. We pay on the upper end at about $50k for technicians and that's salary not hourly. We were only paying $35k three years ago, but we couldn't get staff to stick around longer than a couple years for the experience. Our technicians need to be skilled but they don't touch AD or any of the back end systems other than for backup and other standard ops stuff. We do require college grads and proof they can think for themselves though.

Comment Re:Disaster Recovery? (Score 1) 167

Says the guy that is exactly as I suspected. You're a tech working in a shop. At best you own a shop. Do you sell office furniture to prop up your failing business as Walmart undercuts your sales? What did you expect. You took off the wall potshots at a guy working a career, when your just a pup working a job. We get guys like you all the time applying, thinking they know everything, thinking they are IT geniuses, who can't see their own weaknesses. Desperate to get out of sales, running simple automated tools and "building pc". Nothing wrong with starting out there, but you strike me as a lifer, if it weren't for the fact that independent shops have a bleak future. But yeah, tell me where your shop is and I'll take you out for lunch and offer some career coaching while I'm off for the summer...paid time off.

Comment Re:Disaster Recovery? (Score 1) 167

I don't know what motivates a comment like that. Trolling? Meh, I know the truth about how much I make and my benefits so at the end of the day I'm smiling. Ignorance? Possible, I'm Canadian, maybe where he is that is the norm, but it's not here. Bitterness/Resentment? Maybe he's Geeksquad and it makes him feel better to try to belittle someone else's career. In any case, this situation had the potential to be much smaller and much less of a problem.

Comment Re:Disaster Recovery? (Score 1) 167

We are just too small for much of that. Clonezilla works for us because we can do a whole lab at once (our biggest school is a couple hundred kids, our smallest is about 60). Our schools are geographically spread out and remote. We don't have the budget for deepfreeze, let alone Config Manager. We don't have a huge budget but we get by, we take the financial resources we have and pour that into talented techs. We use Squid/squidguard/dansguardian for filtering/caching to save money, we get computers from free programs that redistribute government computers (we get modern machines like i5). Believe me, that all sounds fantastic but we have to make due with much much less and we do. This situation in NJ didn't need to be this way. You've got the right idea and I don't disagree with much other than the MITM stuff, but we will likely never see the money for those kinds of resources. We had a budget for deepfreeze but then we got our gov't funding reduced a bit and it was the first to go.

Comment Re:Disaster Recovery? (Score 1) 167

That is a lot of incorrect assumptions there. We have bright technicians working for us, we have enough staff to stay on top of things, we offer competitive pay with benefits and matched pension contribution and generous time off. We expect a lot from our staff and we get a lot in return. Higher demand than corporate? Bullshit, complete bullshit. I'm sure there are some grossly under-funded school boards out there, but mine isn't one of them. Sounds like you're the one that needs the breakdown because you haven't got a clue. I'll give you points for a good troll though, you actually put a little effort into that one.

Comment Re:Disaster Recovery? (Score 1) 167

True enough, but there are open source resources out there. Clonzilla for imaging and lets be honest here, the desktops the students use should be imaged, it's not difficult to manage and it's the best response infection as far as cost goes. Money can be an issue for sure and bureaucracy can get in the way of best practices. But there should be system separation. The computers the kids use should not be using the same resources as the student data system, the cafeteria system should also be isolated. But all that said, the fact is if this happened to my school board, I would be out of a job.

Comment Disaster Recovery? (Score 2) 167

No backup system to restore from? Systems linked that should not be linked together? As for classroom computers, fuck it, reimage those suckers. This should not be happening and in the IT dept. heads need to roll. I'm head of IT for a school board and I'm telling you that this should not have happened or at the very least the affected number of computers should be much lower.

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