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Comment Re:Seriously. (Score 1) 222

I don't have a problem with Hot Pockets. I take one to work every day and place it in the mini-fridge on the top rack right next to the "freezer" section (but not in it). When I'm ready for lunch I nuke it for 70 seconds and can start eating it in just a couple minutes. Nearly thawed is the way to go, whether it be from a non-working freezer or intentionally refrigerated. Do note that if for some reason I didn't eat it that day I would throw it away.

Comment Re:PC is a Different Toy. (Score 1) 177

I think that "the PC is doomed" is a dumb statement. My main issue is with using the PC acronym. Really, all these new small-form-factor devices are also PCs. They are little "personal" computers that perform certain tasks. Sure, the tablets and smartphones aren't good at modeling and rendering 3D animations or what-have-you, so people don't try to use them for that. The "PC" as we currently refer to it, has already evolved from the original. Its components have seen improvements in technology and a reduction in size. One day we'll be able to have all the power we need in something as small as a cell phone, but at that point, that little device is now our PC. The "PC" is not doomed, it is just evolving.

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