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Comment Avoiding taxes isn't immoral, you dolt journalist (Score 5, Insightful) 160

This is incredibly stupid. I own google shares and I want them to save EVERY DIME of taxes they can. There is ZERO moral requirement to pay taxes if they can be avoided through legal "tax avoidance" (which normal non-idiotic journalists just call, you know, following the law).

Submission + - Civil Engineer + Coding = ???

Ricyteach writes: As a civil engineer (emphasis in geotechnical, or soils, engineering, but also skilled in structural and environmental as well), I have a lot of technical knowledge, but very little coding knowledge. Civil engineers are only required to take an introductory computer science course. This is unfortunate because I have run into problem after problem that would be solved much more easily using a software engineering approach rather than a traditional civil engineering approach. The reverse is true for software engineers, who do not have the technical knowledge required to produce effective solutions to small, one-off civil engineering problems like these, without a lot of coaching, and it is not cost-effective to take the time to teach a professional coder the things they need to know to produce a solution.

To fill this gap, I have been learning more and more about software engineering. Some day I think that I would like find a way to combine these two skill sets in a professional setting. I would like to ask the /. community: are there established companies or consultants are out there who specialize in solving engineering problems (not necessarily focused on one specific software product)? And as a person with lots of professional civil engineering knowledge and experience, but only self-taught software knowledge, what steps should I take over, say, the next 5 years, to make myself of interest to the kinds of people who design software to solve civil engineering problems?

Comment Re:"Something from Nothing" is not science (Score 1) 612

"Theology as an intellectual pursuit is barren..." And the arrogance- and foolishness- of that position is no better than that of a fundamentalist who ignores data which proves the Earth is more than 10,000 years old. There is little to no difference between the two. I'm certain you're right that original papers don't use that word, but it seems that anytime they actually say or write something they think might be heard and digested by people outside of academia, many otherwise respectable scientists (Hawking, Krauss) fall into the trap of saying things that discredit the dispassionate approach they claim to have (by virtue of calling themselves a scientist). It is audacious, bumptious shortsightedness of the worst kind.

Comment Re:"Something from Nothing" is not science (Score 1) 612

I'm getting stitched up because I value science (and scientists) as much as I value theology and religion, and don't want them (physicists) saying ridiculous things that enable people in my religious community to say "See? Scientists have an agenda! Why should I listen to them?" It drives me crazy. Both theology AND science (and philosophy as well) are fields that have valuable things to say to me and to everyone. Anyone who totally excludes one or the other is an idiot. There is only ONE truth. There isn't scientific truth over here, and theological truth over there. There is just Truth, and to exclude any avenue for attaining knowledge- whether an atheist rejecting theology or a fundamentalist rejecting science- is hubristic and simple minded.

Comment Re:"Something from Nothing" is not science (Score 1) 612

Drop by your local university's philosophy department or seminary. The box is the same size it's always been. Maybe physicists have box envy? Well the ones fixated on something-from-nothing nonsense, anyway. Yes, I realize they don't actually mean Nothing; yet they insist on using the word (Lawrence Krauss even wrote a book about it). Sandbox envy.

Comment Re:"Something from Nothing" is not science (Score 1) 612

Turns out, the cause of disease can be seen under a microscope. We found a way to observe the previously unobservable. Awesome. But when physicists start talking about "something from nothing", they have jettisoned scientific inquiry. At least you can try to observe evil spirits and deamons (which is how the real cause of disease was discovered). After all, that's all science is: observing, and applying those observations. But you can't observe nothing. Ergo, you are in the wrong sandbox, kiddo.

Comment "Something from Nothing" is not science (Score 3, Interesting) 612

In "God and the Astronomers", agnostic Robert Jastrow chronicles the development of the Big Bang theory, and how for decades many physicists resisted it; not because of data, but because it meant the universe had a beginning, which was at odds with their worldview (“The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be." --Karl Sagan). They recognized that if there was ever truly NOTHING, that science would never be able to explain why there is SOMETHING. The question of origins is outside the reach of scientific inquiry. I wish the physicists would stop playing in the philosophical and theological sandbox.

Submission + - Green Cars Have a Dirty Little Secret (

Ricyteach writes: A WSJ opinion piece explains why "green" cars aren't so green. The manufacturing process for EVs emits more than two times the amount of carbon as for conventional vehicle production. Although they are indirectly emitting only half as much carbon per mile, this means the EV would have to be driven over 93,000 miles before the carbon savings even begin; that's a tall order for cars which have short ranges, and require battery replacements (more carbon emitted) at high mileages. The current iteration of "green" cars may represent fantastic technology, but that technology needs to stand or fall on its own merits in the marketplace- through features, value, and consumer appeal- without perpetuating the fantasy that the energy they use is emission free.

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