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ur mum's face = a child molester with AIDS

alexander peter kowalski openly admits to being in a relationship that consisted of abuse, and unwanted sex that was deemed part of a "job".

alexander peter kowalski threatens libel suits for people that tell the truth about him, then he turns around and spreads lies about others.

the petty actions of an ignorant hypocrite...

cower in my shadow some more, feeb.

you're completely pathetic.


ur mum's face're a child molester with AIDS?

alexander peter kowalski openly admits to being in a relationship that consisted of abuse, and unwanted sex that was deemed part of a "job".

alexander peter kowalski threatens libel suits for people that tell the truth about him, then he turns around and spreads lies about others.

the petty actions of an ignorant hypocrite...

cower in my shadow some more, feeb.

you're completely pathetic.

Comment obviously you've never been informed (Score -1) 545

saying you were raped = true... it happened. i said it, because you said you had unwanted sex. if you are this careless with boolean assignment, i can only imagine how poorly the software you've claimed to have made functions.

you said you had sex that you didn't want to have. either you were lying or you were raped. are you a liar?

The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.

cower in my shadow some more, feeb.

you're completely pathetic.

Comment (Score -1) 545

do you think i'm MikeK or do you think i'm a sockpuppet?

you're a contradictory moron.

looks like you make lots and lots of friends to come play in your mom's basement with you

i guess your girlfriend would be in that picture with you, but i've been told she asked to be removed from the picture because you abused her before she left you.

ur mum's face is psycho.

you're an ignorant hypocrite.

cower in my shadow some more, feeb.

you're completely pathetic.

Comment Re:I agree, 110%... apk (Score -1) 545

Alexander Peter Kowalski
903 East Division Street
Syracuse, N.Y. 13208
Apartment #1, Lower Level

i suppose your listed address includes "Apartment #1, Lower Level", because you rent out the "Higher Levels" of your home to people who can afford to not live with people above them... or maybe they just couldn’t keep their taxes up to date. somehow, i suppose...

Jan Kowalski (Age 65+)
E Division St
Syracuse, NY
Associated people:
Alexander P Kowalski

i suppose the 65+ year old named jan that is listed as living with you is your hot cougar wife... not your mother...... you couldn't possibly be so cliché as to be a 45 year old living in your mom's basement............. could you??????? if you'd rather i call and ask her, that's ok.... just don't respond here...

cower in my shadow some more, feeb.

you're completely pathetic.

Comment Re:Depends on the needs of the problem (Score -1) 408

is ur mum's face WORTH IT? ANSWER = No, not really...

why do you cower in my shadow while falsely attributing statements to me that i didn't make, and then responding to them with violent fantasy?

i live at 4513 brittany ct. eau claire, wi 54701... i live there in the home i paid cash for, with my beautiful wife and children and dogs and numerous firearms. present yourself to me; admit what you've done, then i'll bring upon you the ultimate punishment for your transgressions.

Alexander Peter Kowalski
903 East Division Street
Syracuse, N.Y. 13208
Apartment #1, Lower Level

i suppose your listed address includes "Apartment #1, Lower Level", because you rent out the "Higher Levels" of your home to people who can afford to not live with people above them... or maybe they just can't afford to keep their taxes up to date. somehow, i suppose...

Jan Kowalski (Age 65+)
E Division St
use, NY Associated people:
Alexander P Kowalski

i suppose the 65+ year old named jan that is listed as living with you is your hot cougar wife... not your mother...... you couldn't possibly be so cliché as to be a 45 year old living in your mom's basement............. could you??????? if you'd rather i call and ask her, that's ok.... just don't respond here...

cower in my shadow some more, feeb.

you're completely pathetic.

Comment Re:Moglen is right (Score -1, Troll) 236

tracking what others say i do is not the same as tracking what i actually do... regardless, it is no where near "comprehensive".

"like" buttons are never gathering information on my browsing habits. why would you claim they are "always" gather such information? as you obviously don't realize the triviality in avoiding their reach, i can easily and comprehensively conclude that you're an idiot.

what makes you think i require assistance in being saved?

cower in my shadow some more, feeb.

you're completely pathetic.

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