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Comment Re:NASA Link to the story (Score 3, Informative) 109

The Soyuz has 3 sections: orbital module, descent module, and service module.
After undocking the Soyuz will fire its engines to deorbit. Before re-entry, both the orbital module and service module will be jettisoned and will burn up on re-entry. The descent module survives re-entry and parachutes to a landing.

The orbital module and descent module are both pressurised. The article's wording might be considered to be wrong since it could be argued that even the 2 modules that burn up actually return to earth. Based on the article and design of the Soyuz, they are implying the leak is on the orbital module.

So, the problem will be solved when the Soyuz undocks.

Comment Re:Nextdoor does this too (Score 1) 187

Nextdoor doesn't name any of the "neighborhoods" they list. When a person that doesn't live in one of their existing "neighborhoods" creates an account, that person can name the area they live in and define its borders.They become the Lead and/or founding member of that "neighborhood". It makes for crazy "neighborhood" names and boundaries but at least it is zero work for Nextdoor.com.

Comment What is the real reason for the shutdown? (Score 1) 134

The articles mention that a judge ordered the shutdown because Whatsapp didn't provide customer data for a court case. Is Whatsapp refusing to provide the data for some reason or is Whatsapp not able to provide the data (i.e. doesn't have it or it is encrypted in a way that they cannot decrypt)?

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