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Comment Re:Wasted work... (Score 1) 100

Prototype? Proof of Concept? Yea right, boss' and customers don't want to hear that crap. They will not want to pay for the second draft. If you have to rewrite your code, you better do it before they see it.

With that said, SaFE (agile) helps with this, you purposely start small and get customer (could be boss, upper management, customer) buy in on the outcome as well as what the next steps will be. You can bury a lot of rewriting in those subsequent steps.

Comment 53 Floppies was all it took! (Score 1) 117

I don't remember the year or version, though it was in the mid to late 90s. Slackware was my first distribution. I would have to ftp it in floppy sized chunks (walnit creek did the chunking) using my dial-up shell account, then zmodem it to my computer then copy it to a floppy. Rinse and repease 53 time and you had yourself a linux system ready to install! It was a grand day when I got a CD drive and SuSE sent me free CDs :)

Comment Yes, we lost a lot! was:But are we missing much? (Score 1) 125

As an old white guy I can say I enjoyed watching movies from around the world and that spanned the generations. I had at least 1 more year of serious mining of their collection, maybe longer as they kept adding new stuff.

As for buying watching movies, I found I don't watch many movies more than one or twice. Some I do, but those are definitely the minority. FilmStruck was a great resource. I hope someone else will pick up the banner once they are gone!

Comment Opinions... (Score 1) 603

Opinions are like assholes, we all have one and they all stink. Who gives a rat's ass about what this guy thinks, unless you want to make C++ better, or you think like him and have your favorite language that is not C++ you wish everything is written in.

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