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Comment Re:Wrong problem (Score 1) 25

Not sure what they are trying to achieve in the lawsuit, TBH. They've already fixed the model, so their prayer for relief can't be that. Damages? Doubt, given that it took some major backflips for NY to create the duplicates, and they were likely the only such dups... unless something turns up in discovery, I guess.

Comment Re:Because it is a 1 party state for the most part (Score 1) 286

US-wide, most of the problem with housing is supply-related. And a good chunk of that supply problem is from various NIMBY zoning issues that prevent needed high density housing from being built. While this problem is pronounced in CA, it exists practically everywhere in the US.

Comment Re:You still can create derivative content (Score 1) 164

There's a standard for how much it has to be modified, but yes, if you provide a significant creative addition to a public domain work, it is copyrighted. This is how orchestras that play old (out of copyright) scores get copyright to their renditions. If you copyright the midjourney image and (hypothetically later) there is some legal dispute, you won't like the resolution there, as the damages will be considered willfully inflicted on the other party. I think this largely moot, personally (because of the number of people who will modify works to make them legally derivative, people aren't going to go looking for stuff that should be free much, but that's just a guess).

Comment Re:Ambulance-chasing Lawyers At Work... (Score 1) 21

You're not wrong about the damages, but this is somewhat on the back foot due to the libel per se (assuming it is such in the jurisdictions, I did not check). I agree with your other comments entirely, tho, and I don't even see how it could really carry as a libel per se cases due to the larger issues.

Comment Glass & Glow (Score 1) 194

> If China, Russia or both attacked the U.S. this way, how would we react?

I don't know, but I'm pretty sure all the janitors would be using Mop n' Glow to clean the floors, and they would have plenty of glass after. We could just rename the territories "Glass & Glow" for funsies.

Comment Re:no (Score 1) 124

> The "awkwardness" of the syntax is arguable

It really isn't. You would need to store the array allocated like in a struct along with something tracking its cardinally just to pass it around safely. Come on, buddy. You know it and I know it. Entire math libraries exist to ease the programmer with the abstraction management of it. Anyway, the issue is moot. You insulted me by telling me to "pick up a book" without asking what I meant by awkward, when the reality that extra book-keeping and arithmetic expressions are factually required: even by you for any "portable code," apparently.

You could just say, "oh I misunderstood what you meant, my culpa," you know? Rudeness was unnecessarily, added to nothing, and didn't help a single sole on earth understand anything better. It was pointless.

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