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Comment Re:Yes, it has (Score 1) 316

I've had that problem literally in the last week where the POS terminal (double meaning fully intended) was sure I didn't put the item in the bagging area. Employee came over and it played a video of me putting the item in the bag. I wouldn't mind self checkout at all, really, if the experience was consistently trouble free. For me, it's annoying about 1/3 of the time.

Comment Re:A lot of effort to preserve an illusion of priv (Score 1) 29

The difference is that airtags or generically any tracker makes finding people/things essentially zero effort. If I stick an airtag in a little-used pocket of your laptop bag, I can know where you are (or where the bag is anyway, which may be good enough) for a couple months. I don't have to set up a minivan or follow anyone. Just use my phone.

Comment Let me give you reasons to fire me (Score 1) 61

Really, the absolute last thing I'm ever going to do is talk to an application that my company knows about whatever stress, anxiety, or mental health issues I may or may not have. How could that possibly go wrong in a world where every bit of data you ever put in an application is saved forever?

Comment Insert booshit meme (Score 1) 93 which fans could attend a full concert by the Swedish band — as performed by their digital avatars

So basically, NOT attending a concert at all. That's fine, but I'm paying the going rate for streaming (1/10c or so per song, IIRC), because that's basically what this is. Or watching a youtube video.

Comment Re:Signed transmissions next? (Score 1) 183

They don't need lots, though. You can run a GPS receiver for months in a dog collar. Having to verify a cryptographically strong signature every small number of seconds really would cost a lot more processing power.

A two-tiered system might make sense, though. Unencrypted signals for dog collars, commodity watches and phones and such. Encrypted signals for things that are more critical. Jamming might still be a problem. It doesn't matter if the signal is signed if you can't hear it.

Comment s/unthinkable/easily predictable/ (Score 1) 183

The fine article misspells the phrase "easily predictable" as "unthinkable".

Attacks like this are downright obvious. It's a broadcast signal. Of course, it's possible for someone to screw it up. Of course, it's foreseeable that someone will.

I've said the very same thing of automotive systems that promise to talk to nearby cars. I'll say it again because I'm sure that'll be unthinkable, too. Other cars will lie to you. Some of the other cars won't even be cars. Some things will just scream noise at you so you can't hear other cars. If you build cars vulnerable to such attacks, don't be surprised when they happen. That's all the more true of planes which are both higher value targets and easier to target from far away.

Comment Re: How does that even work? (Score 1) 221

No, all you have to do is get sick. You should try reading medical bills sometimes. A 15 minute appointment with my regular doctor is $300. An ambulance ride literally down the block is over $1k (and I hear that's actually cheap). An MRI is $1500+. Going to the ER starts at $2k. My kid got bit by a snake, which thankfully turned out to be non-venomous. Antivenom was over $120,000.

Oh, and I used to work in a hospital where my family was also sometimes a patient. A bag of saline we paid 73 cents for in the lab was billed to us as a patient at $50.

If you don't have good insurance, you're one accident or major illness away from serious debt.

Comment Re: How does that even work? (Score 1) 221

Gym freaked out and called ambulance and made her get in.

Patients have a right to refuse treatment. A climbing gym can't make her get in an ambulance. Not the point, I know. :-)

Month later she received a 120k bill for "activating the trauma surgeon"

That's ridiculous. That calls for a response to the hospital like "I hear you almost provided treatment. Here's my check for $0.00. I almost paid you for it."

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